Sunday 10 July 2022

The Chiasso Conundrum - by David P. Crayford (2018), Part 20

Chapter Four

The Start of some Interesting Connections

What I didn’t know, or realise, at the time of reading the article “Italian Border Police Seize $1 Trillion in Financial Bonds”, is that there was a second parallel operation going on, in conjunction with Yamaguchi, at the same time with another similar quantity of additional Financial Instruments of the same category and of similar value, but with different persons involved, hence why I have utilised the term “The $2 Trillion Dollar Italian Job”.

This all came to light some months after the actual “Chiasso” incident with Yamaguchi and his arrest at the Italian / Swiss border with an accomplice, Watanabe and the subsequent involvement of Alessandro Santi; but all within the time period from Yamaguchi and Watanabe’s arrest and the subsequent Trial of Yamaguchi and Watanabe.

I have previously mentioned at the beginning that I look through the Web Community Boards every morning. When there is a subject of interest which involves my job, I sometimes respond to some, but not all, of such articles under a pseudonym name, just like everyone else. 

The purpose of my responses is strictly to enlighten people to the truth, especially when I see so much garbage being written by people who either have no understanding, or have no knowledge about what they are referring to within their own comments, or, are deliberate misinformation agents, of which there are thousands of them on the worldwide web; attempting to justify either their own unlawful actions regarding assets of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, or the actions of some of their colleagues.

Many of these people writing such articles, which show an absolute lack of understanding, are usually people that have their own “Axe to grind” or are people who have believed the propaganda of past years and have now become mentally programmed so that whatever truth is actually revealed they discard it as garbage and enter into the realm of discrediting tactics. Unfortunately, and I do not wish to be derogatory to anyone, but human beings, or the majority of them, are indeed strange creatures as a whole. Their ability to research and investigate is limited and not always through their own fault. Until the various “Freedom of Information Acts” were enacted, it was almost impossible to gain information from any official organisation, including Government, their Agencies and sub-authorities.

With the onset of the “Freedom of Information Acts” and of course the worldwide web, it was not so difficult to gain information, but then Governments started to become aware of the fact that the people were becoming too informed. Then documents, information, or similar started to be labelled “Classified - In the interests of National Security”. That is exactly the situation that surrounds the “Secret” Financial Instruments that Yamaguchi, Watanabe, and many others around the world are shrouded in, preventing the people of the world from ever finding out the truth, which is and always will be detrimental to the world at large. 

In my many, many years of experience within this particular specialised arena of the Financial World, I have come across, or come to know about, thousands of people around the world that have innocently become involved with dubious persons or parties and lost substantial sums of money, or even everything they own, in the process. 

Some, unfortunately have ultimately become the “Fall Guys” for the real crooks behind these unlawful activities, and ended up being convicted and incarcerated for their crimes even though in technical terms they are just ancillary to the hard core of the real crooks.

It is my opinion, to prevent a substantial amount of these crimes, people need to be educated into such matters so that those persons, which are usually naïve “Brokers” and individuals desiring to “Get Rich Quick”, or even “Treasure Hunters” learn to think and investigate matters thoroughly before becoming involved.

The old adage of “Shutting the Stable Door after the Horse has bolted” comes very much into focus here and is aptly applicable. I will also refer to another adage being, “Ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law”.

Both adages are without doubt totally applicable in all walks of life, but so much more applicable to the intricate, inter-twined, complexities of the Financial World and the “Secrecy” that surrounds same.

Even I do not know everything there is to know, but as sure as concrete is concrete, I will find out, and I will learn, which is exactly the approach that many others in this world should take before involving themselves in such matters or with such criminals, or risk losing everything.

When responding to some of the Web site articles I sometimes come across persons who clearly imply that they want to learn and know more about this “Specialised” part of the Financial World. Their honesty and genuineness comes across in what they write and how they compose it. Whether they have previously been involved, close to being involved or just plain and simply want to know more is not all that relevant. What is relevant is that the truth, or as much as can be revealed, is exposed to the public in as much detail as possible and as quickly as possible. 

Again, I must refer to an old adage that is very applicable being, “The truth sometimes hurts” which clearly becomes evident with the discrediting tactics of some and the volumes of misinformation that exists to distort people’s minds.

After a short time period of communicating, I will invite what appears to be those who are willing or interested to learn to write directly to me because it sometimes becomes difficult or impossible for me to disclose information publicly. At the same time there is information that can never be disclosed publicly whether on the Web site community boards or in private communications through email or otherwise. 

In most cases, these connections have become long term associations, and have increased substantially in number.

It is amazing the amount and type of people who do write to me directly. Some hold Doctorates in specialised subjects, Professors in Economics and Finance, Inventors, Bankers of various descriptions, Business people, Students, Politicians – yes, even Politicians, People who are holding assets, by whatever means or status, of the Global Debt Facility, and those who just want to learn.