Sunday 10 July 2022

The Chiasso Conundrum - by David P. Crayford (2018), Part 19

Now we all wait to see what happens on May 25th 2011. 

However, irrespective of the absence of Yamaguchi and Watanabe, Alessandro Santi had in his own right broken Italian Law by being in possession of Financial Instruments, whether they were genuine or not.  

There doesn’t appear to be any escape for Alessandro Santi.

Yamaguchi and Watanabe failed to turn up to the court hearing, as was expected, and were found guilty on all charges. They were both sentenced to Three and One Half Years imprisonment (3½ years). Neither of them can ever return to Italy as they will be immediately arrested and driven straight to the prison.
Alessandro Santi, at now 74 years of age, was sentenced to Sixteen Months prison sentence which was suspended because it was considered that he acted in a naïve manner and was a “Useful tool” for Yamaguchi and Watanabe who were the main protagonists of this international crime.

Inside of the Courtroom during the hearing was Four (4) men, whom we now know to have been Two (2) CIA persons from the US Embassy, and Two (2) Plain Clothes Policemen. Additionally, there was one person, an experienced investigator, engaged by The International Treasury Controller, to monitor and collect all information / evidence as necessary. When the hearing ended, the verdict and sentence announced, the case was completed, but not so for these Four (4) men, two plain clothes policemen and the two CIA men.  The Judge retired to chambers and the court cleared. The Four (4) men hurriedly went to the court office, legal paperwork in hand, spoke to the Manager of the Court Office.
All documentation, evidence, of the case against Yamaguchi and Watanabe had to be assembled and packed into boxes. In addition, all evidence of the case had to be stricken from the records. A highly unusual situation to say the least and rarely heard of before, but this was a case dealing with a “Top Secret” subject whereby, irrespective of the massive publicity surrounding this subject in the press and the World-wide Web, there was to be no evidence whatsoever left on records that could be accessed publicly. Serious questions should be asked about this action by CIA and the Italian Police. Being “Top Secret” it would be reasonable to have thought that the Financial Instruments carried by Yamaguchi and Watanabe would have been returned to the Global Debt Facility. They never were, they had effectively disappeared, and the actions of the CIA and Italian Police were now highly suspect. With no evidence and no records of this case having ever existed, other than the articles in the press, it had become a complete “Ghost” whereby no one, other than a few people would ever know. Why?

Some of what was seen in the press is given below. Although it is in Italian, an English translation is given between each sentence or paragraph.

Press Article, Italian with English translation, dated 30th June 2011.

30 giugno 2011 (30th June 2011)

Intrigo internazionale in dogana
Condannati due giapponesi
(International intrigue in Customs
Two Japanese sentenced)

COMO - Gli uomini del mistero, dovessero decidere di ripassare dall'Italia, rischiano di doversi fermarsi per alcuni anni: in carcere. 
(The men of the mystery, should they decide to come back to Italy, they are headed for a few years stop: in prison.) 
Mano pesante del giudice, Valeria Costi, nei confronti dei due giapponesi protagonisti del clamoroso intrigo internazionale che due estati fa portò al sequestro di ben 134,5 miliardi di dollari in bond Usa. 
(Heavy hand of the judge Valeria Costi on the two Japanese protagonists of the sensational international intrigue that two summers ago brought to the seizure of 134,5 billions of USD in US Bonds.) 
Akihiko Yamaguchi e Mistuyoshi Watanabe, 52 e 62 anni, i due cittadini giapponesi intercettati agli inizi di giugno 2009 alla stazione internazionale di Chiasso dopo essere scesi da un treno regionale proveniente da Como San Giovanni e visti aggirarsi con fare sospetto con una valigetta in mano, sono stati condannati a tre anni e mezzo di reclusione per aver tentato di "contrabbandare" titoli di credito ritenuti falsi. 
(Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mistuyoshi Watanabe, 52 and 62 year-old respectively, the two Japanese stopped at the beginning of June 2009 at the international station of Chiasso after getting off a regional train coming from Como San Giovanni and seen lurking in a suspicious way with a briefcase, have been sentenced to three years and a half for trying to "smuggle" fake bonds). 
Ovviamente gli uomini del mistero non erano in aula per sentire la sentenza di condanna a loro carico. 
(Obviously the men of the mystery were not at the court to hear the verdict against them.)
In udienza preliminare aveva a suo tempo patteggiato un anno e quattro mesi con la condizionale, invece, Alessandro Santi, il 73enne di Carimate coinvolto nel giallo dei 134,5 miliardi, il quale aveva annunciato di parlare in aula per raccontare la sua verità e che, invece, ha poi scelto la via del silenzio, lasciando il mistero attorno a un sequestro che si è trasformato in un autentico intrigo internazionale che aveva anche rischiato di creare non poche tensioni addirittura tra l'amministrazione Obama e il governo giapponese. 
(During the pretrial hearing Alessandro Santi, the 73 year-old gentleman implicated in the 134,5 billions USD intrigue, had already negotiated a one year and four months suspended sentence with conditions. He had announced he would talk his own truth in the courtroom but eventually he chose silence, leaving some mystery around this bond seizure which turned into an international intrigue and which also risked creating a certain tension no less than between the Obama administration and the Japanese government.)
Su quel tesoro (la maggior parte dei titoli di credito risaliva agli anni Trenta e sembrava palesemente contraffatta, ma una decina di Kennedy bond da un miliardo l'uno, emessi addirittura nel 1998, ad alcuni commentatori statunitensi erano sembrati autentici, non così l'aveva pensata gli uomini dell'Intelligence statunitense) si rincorsero moltissime voci, a cominciare dal fatto che alcuni di questi fossero effettivamente veri e che il governo nipponico avesse deciso di sbarazzarsene a causa dei venti di crisi provenienti dagli Usa. 
(Around that treasure (most of the bonds goes back to the thirties and seemed clearly forged, instead about ten Kennedy bonds of 1 billion each, issued in 1998, were considered real by some American observers, contrary to what the US intelligence thought) there were a lot of talks, starting from the fact that some of them were actually real and that the Japanese government decided to get rid of them because of the imminent US crisis.) L'inchiesta aveva portato a ipotizzare che - veri o falsi che fossero - quei bond fossero diretti a Ginevra. 
(The inquiry led to suppose that those bonds - were they real or fake - were headed to Geneva.)
Nella città elvetica, che com'è noto è un centro affollato da centinaia di organizzazioni internazionali, uffici e pure il quartier generale dell'Onu nel Vecchio Continente, Akihiko Yamaguchi e Mistuyoshi Watanabe avevano già fissato un appuntamento per piazzare la loro carta. 
(In the Swiss town, which is a renowned centre full with hundreds of international organizations, offices and the European headquarter of the UN, Akihiko Yamaguchi and Mistuyoshi Watanabe had already fixed a meeting in order to monetize their paper.) 
Tutto sfumato nel corso di un normalissimo controllo da parte di un finanziere in servizio alla stazione internazionale di Chiasso.
(Everything vanished during a normal check by a police officer at the international station of Chiasso.) 
Gli Usa hanno quindi bollato come falsi i bond e per i due giapponesi, scomparsi dall'Italia alla velocità della luce, è giunta la condanna a tre anni e mezzo di reclusione. 
(The US considered those bonds as fake and then eventually the two Japanese, who left Italy at lightning speed, were sentenced to three years and a half's imprisonment.)

We suspect that the American Intelligence Agency, the CIA, via the Federal Reserve would use the Financial Instruments for their own purpose, as collateral within a “Trading” program operated by the Federal Reserve, which although an illegal act in itself against the Global Debt Facility, is a very regular occurrence. The CIA would then make some payment to the Italian Police and the courts to compensate them for their actions and, of course, an amount for goodwill, probably to some of the more Senior Officers in the Police and Court Officials.
This is, if that is what happened, corruption in its rawest form and is abundant right across the world. It is a long term character we recognise with America and its associated agencies. Fighting what happened in respect of the case against Yamaguchi and Watanabe would be a waste of time as all evidence has now disappeared. No evidence, No case, and no matter what we say it would all be supposition and conjecture as far as the law, as it stands today, is concerned.