Tuesday 31 May 2022

Why haven't the Collateral Accounts been used to their fullest extent for the benefit of the peoples and nations of the world?

It was not, and never has been, the intention of the asset owners to protect such assets for self benefit but to always ensure assets were protected and used for the benefit of the people and their respective Nations. 

Historically, a number of self interested Governments, institutions and individuals around the world acted to prevent the proper use of the assets as same would undermine the powers and authorities that they had granted to themselves over centuries. Such acts were very frequent during the 1945–1995 period when the Global Debt Facility was managed and administered by the Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission (TTTGC), subject to full approval by the then Master Holder and M1, and effective ITC, Ferdinand E. E. Marcos, the former President of the Philippines, and descendant of the Chinese Qing Dynasty.

The former managers of the Global Debt Facility (TTTGC - The U.S.A., the UK and France) kept acting as if they were still controlling the Global Debt Facility even after 1995, by stealing and abusing assets of the Global Debt Facility thereby making the task of the ITC even more difficult.

ITC - International Treasury Control -  International Treasury Controller - Collateral accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

What are the Collateral Accounts?

The Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility are an accumulation of reserve funds, physical precious assets, various financial securities and interest accumulated in interest bearing accounts over centuries, including assets that date back thousands of years, primarily curated from 1850 to the present day, and are referred to as the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility. 

These precious assets, funds and financial securities, have been set aside historically by Royal Families, Nations of the world and concerned wealthy individuals under numerous Trusts and Foundations, for the sole benefit of the People of all Nations, and is under the sole control of the appointed International Treasury Controller.

The Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility is the title given to the facility provided by all the assets and accounts to aid in the efforts to eradicate, to the fullest extent, the suffering, burdens and debt of the People and their Nations, and encourage the stable economic growth and expansion of ALL Nations of the World.

The Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility have been deposited and secreted away in countries around the world and have been curated and administered historically by various legal bodies and/or custodians. They were deposited in Trusts, Foundations, Institutions and Corporations, which were legally placed, recorded, and registered under an umbrella Trust and Foundation namely, 'Foundation Divine' and 'Heritage International Trust'.

The Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility are placed in many financial and other institutions around the world, whereby the only legally appointed person, with full control and authority over the Global Debt Facility is the 'International Treasury Controller' who is bestowed with the legal ownership, sole arbitrary rights and the full Legal Authority to utilise these assets and funds.

Over the years there have been many custodians of these accounts and assets, whereby the assets and the interest accumulated were so extensive, the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation, internationally structured Development Banks, Federal Reserve, Central Banks and various Commercial Banks around the world, now act only, and strictly, as the custodians of all assets and interest bearing accounts under legal ownership of the International Treasury Controller.

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

The 2nd International Treasury Controller (2012)

The very first International Treasury Controller was Dr. R.C. Dam (January 1995 – September 2011) a descendant of the Cambodian Royal Family. 

Dr. Dam retired on the grounds of ill-health in September 2011.

In May 2012 the Royal Families of the World appointed a new International Treasury Controller (ITC).

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

The International Treasury Controller (1995)

The Royal Families of the World, unable to do anything before 1994 because of the legalities of the Agreement/Treaty they had executed, agreed not to extend, or renew, the 50-year term of the Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission (TTTGC), whereby at the end of December 1994, the TTTGC, conjointly with all countries previously involved, became totally defunct with their previous powers and authorities being fully revoked and absolutely void of all power and authority connected, related, or associated to the Global Debt Facility.

As a suitable but a more powerful alternative, and a means to regain the power and authority over the Global Debt Facility (the World’s Wealth), the Royal Families agreed to establish, under very powerful and irrevocable, inviolate, conditions and regulations, the International Treasury Control under the complete Control, Authority, of a Legal Successor Heir and Owner of the Global Debt Facility,  bestowed with “Sovereignty”, Level 3-5 Immunity and Protectorate, International Protective status and with its own “Jurisdiction”, with Powers and Authorities so extensive that they were above and beyond the Powers of any “Sovereign Nation”, or, as one President of a G20 country stated “Powers and Authorities so extensive and definitive that all the “Sovereign Nations” of the world combined would never hold such enormous powers and authorities”, to be known as the International Treasury Controller whom was “one of its own”, being Dr. Ray C. Dam, a descendant of the Cambodian Royal Family. An experienced international banker and central banker, but one not so experienced in the very “dirty game” of international politics and intelligence operations, which could actually be likened to the gladiators and the slaves in the amphitheaters of entertainment in the Roman Empire era.

All these Acts/Decrees of the Royal Families of the World during 1994/1995 are all enshrined under Charter Control No: 10-60847, legally recorded and registered within the United Nations. The Charter Control Number is a document attributed to all members of the United Nations, which contains the Constitution of each member country. The International Treasury Control/Controller is not a member of the United Nations as it stands very much higher in international status than that of the United Nations the latter of which is in fact just a Corporation under the guise of a legal Association whereby the power and decision making process is held by its members.
The International Treasury Control/Controller is a “Sovereign” and legal Heir and Successor in Title of the Global Debt Facility, that stands above and beyond all other “Sovereign Nations”.

A new International Treasury Controller was appointed in 2012.

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

The Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission (TTTGC) and its 50-year term (1945-1995)

The Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission (TTTGC) with its 50-year term (1945-1995), was the key element of the structure surrounding the Bretton Woods System, financed by the Global Debt Facility, because it was a built-in “checks and balances” structure to ensure that funds provided by the Global Debt Facility were correctly utilised and fully beneficial to all the countries of the world.

The U.S.A., France and the UK made up the TTTGC and were appointed to administer and manage the Collateral Accounts/Global Debt Facility under a 50-year term (1945-1995).

Unfortunately the correct utilisation of funds from the Global Debt Facility never materialised. The Allied Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and all the 44 countries failed to comply with the conditions and constraints set down by the Royal Families of the World within the objectives of the Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission, and generally did as they pleased. One such condition was that they must obtain the full written approval, authority, under signature and seal of each Master Holder of the assets and accounts of the Global Debt Facility. Needless to say, that was something they didn’t do and neither did they care to. 

Many devastated countries never received any financial assistance whatsoever and were forgotten.

In addition, the usual fraud, theft, and manipulation among the controlling countries developed quite fast allowing the controlling countries to develop and rebuild their countries and their economies, as well as making specific families and countries of the world very wealthy, ignoring the fiscal requirements of most of the other countries of the world.

The world was quite quickly going from one major disaster to another major disaster. Although a different type of disaster, it became a disaster of magnitude which drove the world into an ever increasing divide between “rich and poor Nations” of the world, combined with the constant economic and financial problems we all experience today. Effectively an international dictatorship. So much so it has contributed, in part, to the very financial and structural problems we all experience and know about today, which has brought the financial systems of the world to the brink of the abyss. 

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

The Bretton Woods Treaty (1944) and its side Treaties

The devastation by World War II in countries right across the world was enormous, so enormous in fact that the Royal Families of the World knew that the Global Debt Facility had to be utilised far greater and extensively than it had been utilised previously. However, the Royal Families of the World were ill-equipped to cope with this, so an alternative method of use had to be devised.

The Royal Families decided that the Allied Nations (America, United Kingdom, France and their Allies) would be designated to assist the Royal Families in all funding provided by the Global Debt Facility for the reconstruction and development of affected countries, but under strict conditions.

In addition, the whole international financial system needed to be completely restructured to be able to cope with the vast task before them. This was happening even before the complete end of World War II.

The Bretton Woods Agreement/Treaty was negotiated in July 1944 to establish a new international monetary system, the Bretton Woods System. The Agreement/Treaty was developed by delegates from 44 countries at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference held at the Mount Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA.

The development of the Bretton Woods System allowed for an obligation of each country to adopt a monetary policy that maintained its external exchange rates within 1 percent by tying its currency to gold and the ability of the IMF to bridge temporary imbalances of payments. Also, there was a need to address the lack of cooperation among other countries and to prevent competitive devaluation of the currencies as well.

There were, built into the Bretton Woods Agreement/Treaty, several side Agreements/Treaties that allowed for the establishment of:

  • The International Monetary Fund (IMF) which was supposed to be the “lender of last resort” to bridge temporary imbalances of payments. The IMF has adjusted its objectives several times since 1945, and has effectively become an operating arm of the American Government, and now effectively “surplus to requirements”.
  • The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), later to be known as the World Bank and then the World Bank Group. This Bank was responsible for providing the funds for many major Reconstruction Projects within many of the devastated countries of the world. Over the succeeding years since 1945 the World Bank has extended its operations quite extensively, some say unnecessarily, so, like the IMF it has become a monolithic structure to which all members pay an extortionate amount of tax payers money to become members of. Again, it is an organisation that has become “surplus to requirements”.

Unknown to many, there was also another Agreement/Treaty that was rarely spoken about and unknown to all but a select few people, which is still held “Secret” today and for which the highest security clearance, usually held by a Head of State and/or Prime Minister is required to access the “Secret” files of this Agreement/Treaty. This was the Agreement/Treaty to form a Commission, known as the Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission (TTTGC), having a 50-year term to act as the “go between” of the Bretton Woods System, the IMF, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the G7 Nations of the World, to ensure that the funds needed to undertake the greatest reconstruction and development the world would ever see, were made readily available by the Global Debt Facility.

The Bretton Woods Treaty was praised for its ideas and principles, but then criticised for its total failure. What should have been, never happened and many countries lost out on the available financial assistance and were totally ignored, which has, in part, led to the existing and ever increasing “great divide” existing today throughout the world between rich and poor countries.

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

The Aftermath of WWII

Following the end of World War II, a result of which was devastation far greater than that of World War I, there were many countries around the World that were totally devastated as a result of the war. 

Once again, the Global Debt Facility stepped in, but this time, because the problem was more than enormous, usage of the funds from the Global Debt Facility had to be fully and properly organised and professionally managed, to do otherwise would have created a far bigger mess and problem than that which already existed.

The Global Debt Facility was already supporting, and had been for many decades, the gold backed currencies of all countries, with substantial amounts of gold and silver, but more was now needed. Many countries were already deep in debt from financing their war efforts, which included the United Kingdom. At that time it was the UK Pound Sterling holding the international reserve currency position.

The only country that appears to have avoided the large debt factor created by World War II, was America, and that was largely because it had financed both sides of the war, from previous financial assistance given by the Global Debt Facility, and was now a major world creditor, even though, and unknown to the majority of the countries of the world, America was a major debtor to the Global Debt Facility.

In 1944 and 1945 decisions were made that would forever stabilise the world, or so it was believed, so that rebuilding of countries could be undertaken, followed by growth and expansion which was anticipated to bring prosperity to the whole world.

That is what was envisaged, but that, unfortunately, is not quite as it worked out.

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral Accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

America, WWII and the Global Debt Facility

Needless to say, many of the conditions imposed by the Global Debt Facility were “shelved” by the U.S.A. at the outbreak of World War II (1938-1945). What America did not inform the Royal Families about was the fact that America and its bankers utilised a large percentage of the “bail out facility” provided by the Global Debt Facility in the early 1930’s, to finance both sides of the war. 

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral Accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

Bail-out of the U.S.A. and other countries

In 1907 America's banking and financial systems once again collapsed bringing pressure upon the Royal Families to "bail out" America and many other countries of the world. They did with conditions, but once again the conditions were not adhered to by America.

America decided to attempt to produce a financial system of its own liking with the famous meeting at Jekyll Island (1910) and the following creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913.

In 1929 and following years the Great Depression forced the Royal Families - through the Global Debt Facility - to "bail out" America once again to prevent a global financial holocaust. This was undertaken with thousands of tons of gold and silver.

One of the conditions was that the U.S.A., the Federal Reserve and many of their commercial banks would issue bonds, certificates or financial notes, with annual interest coupons, to secure the gold and silver given to America to bail them out. Such bonds, certificates or financial notes were commonly known as FRN's (Federal Reserve Notes), FRB's (Federal Reserve Bonds), J.P. Morgan bonds, Wells Fargo bonds, American Dream certificates along with several other types of bonds, notes and certificates. 

All the above bonds, notes and certificates are the property, under legal title, of the Global Debt Facility.

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral Accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

The aftermath of the London Treaty (1920-1929)

 Some of the topics included in the London Treaty (1920-1929):

  • All Trusts and Foundations, and all related assets and accounts, were consolidated under 2 primary structures: Foundation Divine and the Heritage International Trust. Administered by a few persons appointed by the Royal Families of the World.
  • The previous name of the overall facility - the Combined International Collateral Accounts - was changed to the Global Debt Facility which appeared to better represent its goal of financing the growth and development of all countries of the world.
  • All assets of the Global Debt Facility were secreted away within the majority of countries of the world for the purpose of protecting those assets.
  • Each country would be legally and financially responsible for the safety of the assets deposited in the same country.
  • The military and intelligence organisations within each country were appointed as "Protectors" of the same assets of the Global Debt Facility deposited in their own country.
  • No country was allowed to secrete their assets within its own borders. They were usually deposited in a third country thousands of miles away.
After WWII, the CIA was appointed as the "Protector" of the assets deposited in all countries. However many countries did not accept to have the CIA based within their country so their military and intelligence organisations retained the position of "Protectors" of the assets deposited in their own country.

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral Accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

Monday 30 May 2022

London Treaty (1920-1929)

After WWI, the Royal Families realised that the International Treaty initiated by Tsar Alexander II of Russia needed some amendments to protect the Wealth of the World.

In 1920 the Royal Families of the World convened in London to agree the restructuring proposed by Emperor Hirohito, who volunteered to design a new plan.

The proposals by Emperor Hirohito were unanimously approved by the Royal Families of the World.

The Treaty was executed in 1920 although this was not actually concluded until early 1921.

In 1929 some amendments to the London Treaty 1920 were approved.

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral Accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

Alexander III, Nicholas II and the finalisation of the International Treaty (1895)

Alexander III

In March 1881, Alexander II was assassinated by revolutionaries.

His son Alexander III was forced to return to Russia.

Count Sergei remained on his journey until all signatures and seals of the Royal Families of the World had been collected.

The plan would not only secure the wealth but would also install more discipline and organisation.

Nicholas II

Tsar Alexander III died on 1st November 1894. His son Nicholas II became Tsar of Russia.

The International Treaty between the Royal Families of the World was finalised in 1895.

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral Accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

Alexander II and the International Treaty

Alexander II

Alexander II, Tsar of Russia.

In 1855 he devised a plan that would see the consolidation of the Wealth of the World.

To utilise it properly for the benefit of the Peoples and Nations of the World.

He sent his son - later to become Tsar Alexander III - around the world to collect the signatures and approval for his plan from the Royal Families of the World.

Along with an emissary, Count Sergei.

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral Accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam


David Crayford, spokesperson for the ITC

We have been asked by a reader about David Crayford.

The pen name David Crayford will not be posting other articles on the Internet.

Whether others will replace him remains to be seen.

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral Accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

Friday 27 May 2022

Does China owe the U.S. more than $1 trillion in sovereign debt as claimed by some sources and reported by some mainstream media? Trump knows

Article written in December 2020 and approved by His Excellency.


Does China owe the U.S. more than $1 trillion in sovereign debt as claimed by some sources and reported by some mainstream media? Trump knows.

Jonna Bianco - President of the American Bondholders Foundation - is acting on behalf of unlawful bondholders who managed to get some historic bonds in the financial black market whereas those bonds can even be found on the Net where they are sold as collectibles for a few hundred dollars.

As for the 1911 Hukuang Railways bonds, they have no commercial value nowadays and it is actually unlawful and criminal to possess those bonds. They were stolen from depositories mainly in the Philippines in the past decades since Marcos's demise (1986).
These Hukuang Bonds are not the property of the United States, nor the US Treasury. The same is true for many historic bonds/certificates that every now and then reach the mainstream media, usually when some people are arrested while unlawfully holding them (FRN's, FRB's, Kennedy Bonds, Wells Fargo notes, etc.).

These 1911 Hukuang Railway Bonds are the legal property of the Global Debt Facility as the collateral against the gold loaned in the past to China and the Hukuang Railway Company from the Global Debt Facility.

Those banks in Paris, London, Berlin and NY were not the issuing banks, they were the under-writing banks of these bonds - issued THROUGH those banks, not BY those banks.

The same is true for other Chinese Railway Bonds (eg 1898,1905,etc.), 1912 Liberty Bonds, 1913 Reorganisation Gold Loan and many others.

People tend to forget history when it pleases them, but it is very important and an intricate part of the whole system, even today. To have taken possession of the gold and silver back in the late 1800's and early 1900's, and then try and reclaim the debt paid by claiming legal status/title of these bonds, is a criminal act.

Unfortunately, no one undertakes a thorough historic investigation these days. Everything is too frivolous and people only see one thing...Money to pay off their debt.

Those bonds (Hukuang bonds) and many other historic bonds issued by countries around the world are the property of the Global Debt Facility/Collateral Accounts.

These bonds, along with millions of other bonds, issued in the late 1800's and early 1900's were taken over by the Global Debt Facility under the 1920/21 London Treaty (and 1929 amendments to the same Treaty) because no country would ever have sufficient funds to pay the debt. The countries involved, in fact all countries involved, had the gold, silver, etc from the Global Debt Facility to resolve their problems and develop their countries. Some used that gold and silver to finance wars etc and therefore wasted it, and now they are trying to reclaim the debt they owed. It is all nonsense and they know it believing that most people failed to recognise the 1920/21 London Treaty, even after they had taken the gold and silver.

All these historic certificates/bonds are non-redeemable, as per International Treaties (1934, Innsbruck 1964 plus its revision in The Hague 1968 and following decades).

The 1935 International Treaty effectively consolidated and expanded the applicable content of the 1920 Treaty so it included all Sovereign/Sovereign Guaranteed Bonds issued after 1913 and even after WW I, and the Great Depression of the late 1920's and early 1930's to conquer the fact that there was insufficient money in circulation to undertake the full restructuring and development of many countries rather than them creating massive debt and tying their people in the chains of debt for generations. It was in fact a cancellation of debt payable to the GDF, but it won't happen again because it was abused because the populous started, and have continued, to live outside of the world of reality.

By the way, even the FED was backed in 1913 by 75,000 MT of gold sent to the US by the Tzar of Russia. That gold belonged to the Collateral Accounts. P.S. that gold has disappeared and is no longer deposited in any US Government or FED depository.

I highly doubt Trump will ever do anything with those "Chinese" bonds as he knows the truth.

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral Accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

Appointment of H.E. David A. Sale

What happened behind the scenes of Kate and Prince William's Royal Wedding? 

An honest, intelligent and spiritual gentleman was appointed to an important position, he certainly deserved that role much more than his predecessor. 

A gentleman descending from the de la Salle family, French nobility. Therefore qualified for that position, as per the agreement between Royal Families of the world.

For more than 25 years he has worked 18 hours a day, 7 days a week. Even more so since his special appointment.

Far away from his family.

How many others would have done it?

I am sure he is still driving around in his Morris Minor.


ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral Accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam

Thursday 26 May 2022

His Excellency David A. Sale


Friends of David Sale...We all miss Diamantesman.

Elders appreciated his job, top leaders respected him. The Hierarchy too.

A life sacrificed for the higher good of humanity. 

Too many coincidences are not a coincidence, he used to say.

The best 007 ever.

And the greatest man I have ever known. 

Your family should be proud of you, my friend.

I am sure you keep on working hard as usual, wherever you are. 

Among the virtuous ones, certainly.

His Excellency, thank you for your service. 

Your mentorship will be forever imprinted in my mind and heart.

A friend

ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral Accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam