Sunday 10 July 2022

The Chiasso Conundrum - by David P. Crayford (2018), Part 15

According to the police reports, Yamaguchi, Watanabe, and a third Japanese person by the name of Shigeo Kaneko, had travelled to Italy on numerous occasions since January 2009, sometimes staying at the Montesole Hotel in Carimate (Alessandro Santi’s home town) and sometimes actually staying at Alessandro Santi’s actual home.

The smell from this dead rat is becoming stronger the more one reads of the statements made by Yamaguchi and the Official Police and Court reports.

In another statement of authorisation issued by Yamaguchi to Alessandro Santi, the following is stated, quote “The undersigned Akihiko Yamaguchi, owner of the Japanese passport nr. TF4658848, as legal owner of 5 Kennedy bonds, nr. AP11 025691 A, AP11 025962 A, AP11 025693 A, AP11 025694 A, AP11 025695 A for a total ammount of USD 5 billions.

I herewith authorize you to act in my name and to co-ordinate with your parties in Europe and in the United States the Privat Placement Programme (PPP) of the formentioned bonds, using the formentioned 5 Kennedy bonds with a nominal value of USD 5 billions, while the real ammount of the bonds is USD 17 billions per Bond.

Furthermore I herewith guarantee under my personal responsibility and under oath to be the legal owner of these 5 Kennedy bonds which are clean, of no criminal origin and free of pledge and duties. 

Consequently you are authorized to control the 5 bonds through your suggested banks in Europe or through your contacts at the FED in the USA to verify their validity and authenticity against my presentations and assurances (authorisations – illegible) and the certified copies of the 5 Kennedy bonds I’ve sent you or the original ones.

You are authorized to co-ordinate and to take the necessary measures of my accounts at the Trader Bank and in the correspondent banks as my agent together with your parties, except my final consent for any conditions or material term.

This authorisation letter is valid for 400 days starting from now. 

These documents are exactly alike even if they are copies.

I’d appreciate very much you attention while co-operating the formentioned matters. Yours faithfully”,

The issue here is not necessarily this authorisation or the content thereof. It is the fact that Yamaguchi purported to Alessandro Santi, and probably others as well, that he was an International Investor, carrying Financial Instruments with a value in excess of $1 trillion United States Dollars which he purports to be the actual legal owner of. Remember the fact that Yamaguchi is a former Senior Officer of the Japanese Ministry of Finance convicted of Fraud and incarcerated for his crime in 1984, which in fact was confirmed by the Japanese Authorities along with the fact that Yamaguchi had previously been convicted of fraud whilst in the employ of the Japanese Ministry of Finance and sentenced to 20 years for fraud, which ultimately was reduced to 12 years for good behaviour.

Yamaguchi, claiming to be the lawful and legal owner of all these Financial Instruments he would be substantially wealthy, in fact far wealthier than Bill Gates of Microsoft, and substantially wealthier than the Queen of England, as such, he would have no problem whatsoever in walking into any of the top World Banks who would welcome him with open arms and lay out the “Red Carpet” for him, if it were all true. In fact it is more than possible that such Banks would be deliberately and constantly stalking Yamaguchi for business.

In reality, Yamaguchi was not, is not, and never will be the owner of any of these Certificates / Bonds. He is however the holder of stolen property of substantial face value, but of no commercial value. Contradictory as that last statement may be, it is not as confusing as one may believe. These Certificates can only be utilised by the International Treasury Controller who is the Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter of the Global Debt Facility. They can never be used, nor should they ever enter, the commercial financial system. The latter is the very reason why they have no commercial value whatsoever.

The reason why Yamaguchi, or anyone else if that matters when attempting to deal with such financial instruments; needs people like Alessandro Santi, Hans Horst, Dona Abdurrahim, and others, is because he is not who he claims to be and does not own what he claims to own, therefore if, and sometimes when the innocent people who were coerced into this assisting Yamaguchi, get caught, Yamaguchi can deny everything and run back to Japan to hide, leaving these innocent people to be the “Fall Guys” and take the penalties applied by any court. This type of scenario has happened many, many times previously over several previous decades, and no doubt will happen many times in the future as well until people learn either not to listen to such stories, or at least undertake a full investigation first before venturing forth.

Additionally, it has to be remembered that Yamaguchi is a convicted criminal whereby the world’s top banks would know all of this, or at least have access to such information, albeit brief. We have already seen that the Federal Reserve, US Treasury and the US Intelligence Agency deny Yamaguchi’s claims, and even state that they have no record of such a person, the Dragon Family, or even Watanabe.

Another weakness in what Yamaguchi claims is the actual aforementioned Letter of Authorisation. The question to be asked here is “How many thousands of people around the world have seen similar letters, giving them authority over something, or authority to undertake something for and on behalf of another person”. Usually, these are referred to as Power of Attorney documents, which if not produced by reputable and known lawyers for the respective parties, do not have much legal meaning at all.

Such letters are in abundant supply wherever one goes. They can be produced in minutes from a computer and printed on any letterhead that is necessary. The “key” here is that they can never be officially verified other than by the person who actually issues such letters. That should allow “Red Warning Lights” to glow instantly, or “Warning Bells” to ring continuously, but no, people still fall for this con trick because as previously stated, the “$” signs and greed take preference over common sense, the latter of which tends to be thrown asunder. 

“Get rich quick” schemes always tend to have some serious disadvantages to them, with the primary one usually being, “Go to jail. Go directly to Jail. Do not pass GO and do not collect 200”. All because common sense is thrown out of the window by the persons involved, which also means that the persons involved have reduced costs incurred, or to be incurred, by not using lawyers as independent third parties to prepare such documents.

From the Police and Court records, substantial information is available to the prosecution, which is not particularly necessary to reproduce here, as it generally carries the same “unlawful activity” message as that already expressed herein.  Such information includes further personal statements from Yamaguchi jointly with Watanabe and statements from Alessandro Santi, Official Reports both in respect of the persons arrested, and the Financial Instruments seized, all gained by the Italian Police from Official sources such as the Federal Reserve, US Intelligence Agency, a substantial amount of emails, Telephone / Text messages extracted by specialists engaged by the Police, airline flights and hotel records, and so on.

It is also clearly evident that Alessandro Santi had recruited other “Brokers” from various parts of the world including Russia, Ukraine, France, England, USA and Italy, to assist him to utilise these “Special Financial Instruments”.

What wasn’t known at the time was that not only did Alessandro Santi recruit others, but Yamaguchi was also doing the same thing, which is further explained in another chapter below.

There is no doubt that not one of these Brokers actually realised what they were handling with these “Special Financial Instruments”, least of all Alessandro Santi. Nor did they realise that they were openly involved, whether coerced or not, in unlawful activities. Whether they were knowingly involved or not, in such unlawful activities is questionable because reference to same is not made within the Police or Court records, which can be clearly seen as being focused mainly on Yamaguchi, Watanabe, and Alessandro Santi. 

Again, this methodology is very common in the “Broker” rings whereby the opinions of such “Brokers” were always the same, being that these were Financial Instruments and no different to any other Financial Instrument, whether Bank Guarantees, Letters of Credit, Bills of Exchange, Certificates of Deposit, etc, and readily usable because they were assumed to be of commercial quality as they were, wrongly and unlawfully, floating around within the commercial financial world.

Additionally, what always appears to apply is usually what I have stated earlier, naivety and greed with the “$” signs taking over from common sense within people who have very little knowledge, if any, of the bigger picture within the Financial World and especially this “Secret” financial world encompassing such Financial Instruments as held and carried by Yamaguchi and Watanabe.