Sunday 10 July 2022

The Chiasso Conundrum - by David P. Crayford (2018), Part 13

The real problem here is that having stolen, or gained possession of these Financial Instruments by unlawful means, these “Special” Financial Instruments can not be utilised within the normal commercial market place, or by anyone who just seem to have some of these in their back pocket. It is soon realised by those trying, that nothing can be done with them as the normal commercial market place will never venture forth to handle such Financial Instruments. Let’s face it, Bank officials of the calibre capable of handling such matters, or a high percentage of them, have a very good job, good salary plus bonuses, a good pension when they retire, and they have families. They are certainly not going to give all of that up just for some wayward white knights who walk through the doors one day carrying a substantial number of these Certificates / Bonds for the unlawful purpose of attempting to cash them in, or depositing them on an account.

The only possibility of use and eventual wealth beyond anyone’s dream is to find a Bank, and / or Senior Bank Officer, who are prepared to bend / break the rules for a lot of money, and there are quite a number of those around the world. From East to West, North to South, such dubious practices by Bank and Senior Bank Officers are quite abundant. This is where the “Financial Broker” rings come into play. Many “Brokers” will take high or precarious risks that real professional people would run away from. These “Brokers” are usually the ones to source the dubious Banks, or Senior Bank Officers, for which if all runs correctly the “Broker” makes a handsome financial gain, but such situations are so rare that a meteorite crashing into planet earth would be far more of a occurrence.

In fact, the Banks around the world all know that should any of these Financial Instruments turn up on their desks, they are to notify the Law Enforcement Agencies without delay or any hesitation. These Law Enforcement Agencies will sometimes set up a “Sting” operation, or just simply arrest the holder of these Financial Instruments when they return to the Bank for a special meeting, not even suspecting what is in store for them. Even the rogue / crooked banks / bank officers will set up a sting operation whereby the “special meeting” with the Bank Officer will result in the Certificates / Bonds being confiscated and the “Broker” removed from the premises, only to find that the bank is using those very Certificates / Bonds for their own purpose and will probably make lots of money from them in conjunction with the likes of the Federal Reserve and their “Secret” Trading Programs which are only open to selected persons or organisations.

In another statement, extracted from the Police and Court documents, Yamaguchi states the following, quote “Because of this difficult and dangerous job I have been living without my family for 19 years, even if no one really does understand this situation. This is my destiny. My name has been acknowledged as signatory for the DRAGON FAMILY on behalf of the FED/US Treasury/UN/WB/BIS and other international organizations”.

Nice statement and impressive, but contrary in content to the statement made by the “Collective” parties of the Federal Reserve, The US Treasury, the US Intelligence Agency. If Yamaguchi was real and his stories genuine, even in the slightest way, the police would have no option but to release him with all Certificates / Bonds in hand. That was not the case whereby Yamaguchi and Watanabe were charged.

It may have been remotely possible that at one time Yamaguchi was the Signatory to the accounts of the Dragon Clans when he was engaged as a senior officer of the Ministry of Finance in Japan, and that was the possible reason why he was convicted of fraud back in 1984/5 and dismissed. In my professional opinion, this is extremely doubtful because I am aware of the structures used by the Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility in respect of Signatories, Holders and Custodians. 

It is remotely possible that Yamaguchi was a signatory, of some description, within and on behalf of the Japanese Ministry of Finance, whom will not confirm or deny this point. This being the case and such a position being held by Yamaguchi, both his positions as the Signatory and Senior Officer, would have been removed entirely when he was convicted of Fraud and incarcerated for 20 years back in the early 1980’s (12 years in all, based upon the above extract from the Affidavit submitted to the Court).

In another statement from the Interpol Service of Japan, extracted from Police and Court documents states the following, quote “The Home Secretary through the General Authority Corps has informed that the collateral Interpol Service of Tokyo conveyed that all bonds in Japanese language are entirely fake, specifying that the Japanese Treasury has never issued such bonds and should therefore not exist legally”.

So, we have Yamaguchi who claims via legal statements that the Financial Instruments are genuine, and that he is the signatory to what he claims as the Dragon Family, when the Interpol Service of Japan in conjunction with the Japanese Treasury claims that such Financial Instruments in Japanese language are entirely fake.

In respect of the Japanese 57 Series Bonds that Yamaguchi was carrying in addition to the US Federal Reserve Notes and the Kennedy Bonds, I have to be fair to Yamaguchi and state that the Italian Police, knowingly or unknowingly, based part of their case on false evidence; have shown their total naivety in such matters. These Japanese 57 series Bonds are not, and never have been issued by the Japanese Treasury. They are actually nothing at all to do with Japan, and never have been. They are issued by the Central Bank of Japan, upon the instructions of the Japanese Ministry of Finance, but only following official instructions issued by the International Treasury Controller, because the Dragon Accounts are actually owned by the International Treasury Controller and held in Japan. In this case the Japanese Treasury and the Interpol Services of Japan are entirely wrong in this case to issue such statements that imply they are not responsible. It would have been better to have declined to issue a statement. Furthermore, the Italian Police should have contacted the International Treasury Controller for any information or verification regarding these Japanese 57 series Bonds. However, they didn’t, and this clearly defines the fact that the Japanese Police have absolutely no knowledge about such Certificates and Bonds, and rely entirely on information from persons or parties they believe to know about such things. As a result of this factor, a gross injustice has occurred against Yamaguchi and Watanabe, even though the story behind what they did, which contradicted the comments from all official channels,  fully supported their criminal activity and enhanced the fact that they were criminals and undertaking a substantial criminal activity.

The Japanese Treasury did not issue these Bonds. They never have done and never will issue such bonds, nor do they have authority over these Financial Instruments whatsoever, and will know nothing about them and therefore can not, and should not, make comments on such Financial Instruments.

The Japanese Treasury are responsible and knowledgeable only about, or for, Japanese Government Treasuries they are authorised to issue for and on behalf of the Japanese Government for sale Nationally or Internationally, the purpose of which is to raise funds for the Japanese Government via the normal financial markets.

The Bonds, Certificates carried by Yamaguchi and Watanabe, are NOT Japanese Government Treasury Certificates, nor are they United States Treasuries, or United States Bonds, and have nothing to do with the Revenues, Expenditure, of any Nation or its Sovereignty.

Either someone is deliberately and deceitfully avoiding the question here, or they genuinely have no knowledge of the Financial Instruments held by Yamaguchi. I personally believe it is a combination of both the above because we know that the US Intelligence Agency were involved from the day that the Italian Police contacted them at the US Embassy in Rome, regarding the Federal Reserve Bonds and the Kennedy Bonds. One group that should never be trusted is the US Intelligence Agency or any person who is an active part of same. They do and say exactly what they are told to do and say, irrespective of the fact whether it is the truth or whether it is false, because they have absolutely no authority whatsoever to speak, verify, or otherwise on behalf of the International Treasury Controller. Time and time again, people around the world have been imprisoned for several years because the US Intelligence Agency has legally stated that such Certificates / Bonds are fake, and they get away with it because they are the US Intelligence Agency.

It has to be admitted that there are many fakes floating around the world in the hands of persons hoping to redeem or use these Certificates / Bonds and become very wealthy overnight, so it should always be remembered that such Certificates / Bonds have no commercial value whatsoever.