Monday 13 June 2022

The Ark of Gabriel

The Ark of Gabriel is an ancient technology not to be confused with the Ark of the Covenant.

The news about its 'discovery' under Mecca some years ago and the fact it was then moved to Antarctica by the Russians is correct.

The Ark emitted many beams of what was assumed light. These beams passed through solid rock, dirt, and stone walls. It created an explosion several meters below ground level and the ground collapsed, killing and injuring many. 

The Saudis sought help from the Russians, who did help. They sealed the Ark and took it to Antarctica. There it will stay as it is buried deep in the earth's crust. 

There are rogue factions - especially those related to America and its Allies - who are searching for that ancient technology to steal it.

The Ark of Gabriel - much like the Ark of the Covenant - belongs to the Global Debt Facility/Collateral Accounts created and organised by the Royal Families of the World and initiated by Alexander II, Tsar of Russia in the 1850s. 

ITC - International Treasury Control -  International Treasury Controller - Collateral accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam