Sunday, 19 June 2022

The Alpha-Omega Ring

According to the Last Will and Testament of Ferdinand Marcos, the Alpha-Omega Ring goes back to the mythical King Bernardo Carpio, a Philippine mythical figure often compared to Samson or Hercules. 

King Bernardo Carpio "acquired from Foreign Traders an Alpha-Omega Ring with an Old Text Printed Paper from time of Adam into Noah into Prophet Moses, Judge Samson, King David and King Solomon...".

The Alpha-Omega Ring is also known as Solomon's Ring.

The Holder of the Alpha-Omega Ring is the Master Holder (M1) of the assets belonging to the Global Debt Facility/Collateral Accounts.

The Ring was passed to Marcos from a Chinese Royal Family member, Marcos himself being a descendant of the Chinese Qing Dynasty.

Within the Last Will and Testament of Marcos it is also revealed who the person was that Marcos passed the Alpha-Omega Ring to, and when, complete with many documents.

In December 1988 he legally passed the M1 position and the Alpha-Omega Ring to a Royal Family member, who draws immense popularity and respect from around the world.

The Ring defines the Master Holder of, and as Ferdinand Marcos stated, the Holy Wealth owned by the Holy Father in Heaven.

The Ring is securely locked away in a secret location.

The real M1 and Holder of the Alpha-Omega Ring is also Chair of the Committee of those empowered to elect and appoint the International Treasury Controller, being the Nations and Royal Families of the World.

ITC - International Treasury Control -  International Treasury Controller - Collateral accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam