Tuesday 23 July 2024

The Vatican-London fictitious judicial system

The fictitious judicial system and the horrendous crime of owning another life started in 1302 with the papal bull Unam Sanctam (Boniface VIII), through the Unam Sanctam trust when he declared that every soul was to be registered property of the Church.

The Claim of Right - Unam Sanctam that made up the papal bull had within it the claim that the Church owns all souls all over the world. In this manner the Roman Church did take control over land and rights and also titles across Europe.

The Knight Templar had to forfeit his land and title to his Trustee, if he showed continued allegiance to the Pope during the campaigns, upon his return from the crusade would receive his property and land back from his appointed Trustee. He became a slave to the Holy See. The Knights Templar realised the trap and began to operate against the Holy See, and thus became a legitimate challenge to those families that made the Claim of Right over the entire world.

The Unam Sanctam (1302) was the first Trust of the world. It is an express trust deed. It is also the largest trust ever conceived, as it claims the whole planet and everything on it, conveyed in trust.

There was a second papal bull in 1455 (Romanus Pontifex, Nicholas V), which created Crown 1, the first Crown (Crown Land). The first Crown is represented by the first Cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is born. It deprives us of all beneficial entitlements and rights on the land.

Pope Boniface VIII was the first leader in history to create the concept of a Trust, but the first Testamentary Trust, through a deed and will creating a Deceased Estate, was created by Pope Nicholas V in 1455 through the papal bull Romanus Pontifex. This bull had the effect of conveying the right of use of the land as Real Property, from the express trust Unam Sanctam, to the control of the Pontiff and his successors in perpetuity ("for a perpetual remembrance"). Hence, all land is claimed as "crown land".

A third papal bull in 1481 (Aeterni Regis, Sixtus IV) created Crown 2, the second Crown (Crown of the Commonwealth / Body) represented by the second Cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is born and, by the sale of the birth certificate as a Bond to the private central bank of the nation, depriving us of ownership of our flesh and condemning us to perpetual servitude.

This papal bull also created the "Crown of Aragon", later known as the Crown of Spain, who is the highest sovereign and highest steward of all papal slaves. Spain lost the crown in 1604 when it was granted to King James I of England by Pope Paul V after the successful passage of the "Union of the Crowns", or Commonwealth, in 1605 after the false flag operation of the Gunpowder Plot. The Crown was finally lost by England in 1975, when it was returned to Spain and King Carlos I, where it remains to this day.

A fourth papal bull in 1537 (Convocation, Paul III) created Crown 3, the third Crown (Soul). The third Crown is represented by the third Cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is baptised. It is the parents' grant of the baptismal certificate - title to the soul - to the church or Registar. Thus, without legal title over one's own soul, we will be denied legal standing and will be treated as things - cargo without souls - upon which the BAR (British Accreditation Registry) is now legally able to enforce Maritime Law.

It is the third and final testamentary deed and will of a testamentary trust, set up for the claiming of all "lost souls", lost to the Sea (Holy See).

The Venetians assisted in the creation of the first Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540, whereas this papal bull was used as the basis of ecclesiastical authority of Henry VIII. This (third) Crown was secretly granted to England in the collection and "reaping" of lost souls.

The Crown was lost in 1816, due to the deliberate bankruptcy of England, and granted to the The Bar Associations (British Accreditation Registry) and British courts have since been responsible for administering the "reaping" of the souls of the lost and damned, including the registration and collection of baptismal certificates representing the souls collected by the Vatican and stored in its vaults. This is why judges wear black, for they mourn for the dead.

A Cestui Que Vie Trust is a fictional concept. It is a Temporary Testamentary Trust, first created during the reign of Henry VIII of England through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 and updated by Charles II, through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666, wherein an Estate may be effected for the benefit of a person presumed lost or abandoned at "sea" and therefore assumed "dead" after seven years. Additional presumptions, by which such a Trust may be formed, were added in later statutes to include bankrupts, minors, incompetents, mortgages, and private companies. The original purpose of a Cestui Que Vie Trust was to form a temporary Estate for the benefit of another because some event, state of affairs, or condition prevented the people from claiming their status as living, competent, and present, before a competent authority.

Cestui Que Vie Act 1666:


The Civil registration of births, deaths and marriages in the UK commenced in 1837.

When a child is born in a hospital - ward state - three Cestui Que Vie Trusts are created upon certain presumptions specifically designed to deny, forever, the child any rights of Real Property, any Rights to be free, and any Rights to be known as a living breathing man or woman, but rather as a DEAD LEGAL FICTION or animal/chattel.

The Birth Certificate is the Title to your soul and proof of ownership by the Holy See. The Claim of Right and the first express Trust named Unam Sanctam, is the core of the Holy See's ownership of your soul.

Every Birth Certificate is a financial instrument lodged in the Vatican Bank (IOR). The Vatican and its franchises hold all titles to all; our bodies, including copyright to our given names, our baptismal records, our souls, our property, our land deeds, mining claims, patents, trademarks, signatures, automobiles, etc.

The Birth Certificate is issued in the name of a "dead person" - numbered as a Bond and issued on Bond paper. It does not represent our real person but a legal entity.

Birth Certificates are used as collateral to float bonds for loans. Since 1945 they are traded as a financial instrument by the IMF (out of Portorico) with their own CUSIP.

The three City States (Washington DC, City of London and Vatican) were claimed under the three Trusts (three Crowns) but this was amended. They are now held in perpetuity for he who has the right.

In most countries with a President, the President is President of a Corporation. The UK has been to war with almost every country in the world and this has led the vast majority of the world's countries to be part of this system, unbeknownst to the peoples of the world.

Corporations chartered in London.

Sunday 4 February 2024

The spiritual significance of gold

It is not easy for many people to understand that there is a large amount of gold in the world that is not publicly known and especially why it is kept hidden. The easiest and most superficial interpretation is that the cabal or the world elite or whatever you want to call them are doing it for selfish reasons of greed. Or similar motivations. But these interpretations are only partially true.

In ancient times it was well understood that gold had a function far beyond monetary measure. In fact, the monetary function of gold is quite recent, it emerged in the last few thousand years. When we think, for example, of the crowns of royalty, we immediately associate them with displays of wealth, with outward rituals to keep the people subdued. As much as these aspects are partly true nowadays, this was not the case in ancient times.

The human being is the crown of Creation, he is the most evolved being whose function is to guard Creation on behalf of the divine. And the divine has always chosen from among humans its representatives. Whether or not these representatives show that they are always worthy ones is another matter. But the hierarchical structure of Creation requires that there always be someone to represent the divine on the planet, both on the invisible and visible planes.

How does the divine maintain contact with these representatives of Him? Through a precipitate of the Sun, which is the local hypostasis of the divine in a solar system. And this precipitate of the Sun is what we call gold.

Gold maintains the connection with the divine, through the Sun, not only for human beings but for the planet as a whole. For the latter, underground gold represents blood for the human being. That is, it is vital for the planet that the gold remains underground, within the planet, so that the planet maintains its connection with the divine. If gold is taken from underground, the planet begins to lose consciousness by gradually losing its connection with the divine through the Sun, unless it is used by humans to keep the connection with the divine and benefit from it.

In other words, gold has a purely spiritual function; it is the medium that enables the planet and also humans to communicate with the divine and maintain contact with it, as well as receive its beneficial vibrations. Every piece of gold we own should be honored and experienced from this perspective.

This is the main reason for the existence of the Divine Foundation, the main Foundation holding the assets of the Global Debt Facility, which although it includes many other assets, has gold as its main reference asset. The gold of the world must be protected. As Ferdinand Marcos - the former M1 and Master Holder of the assets of the Global Debt Facility - wrote in his Last Will and Testament, it is the "Holy Wealth of our Holy Father in Heaven," also called Divine Wealth. Of which we humans, through our Royal representatives, are called to be custodians.

With the fall of humanity's consciousness over the last few thousand years, gold began to be seen as a means of accumulating wealth. More and more people began to extract it from the planet, selfishly hiding it in secret places. But this has created many problems for the planet herself, and we are all paying and will pay the consequences.

In the new civilization, as in the ancient past, gold will return to its real spiritual function.

Ohr Elyon and Elat

Ernest Rauthschild, GIDIFA and Edilberto del Carmen

Ernest Bey aka Ernest Rauthschild, who purports to hold the title of H.E. H.R.H. Royal Prime Minister Ernest Rauthschild is a former associate of Five Star Trust and Marion Horn and GIDIFA, another fake operation headed by the convicted felon Edilberto del Carmen who claimed his real name was Angel Ferdinand Marcos Marcos. The latter claimed to be the illegitimate son of Ferdinand Marcos.

GIDIFA is still active regardless of the fact that their leader Edilberto del Carmen was arrested in 2017 in the Philippines and considered by the local authorities the leader of a crime group operating in Pampanga (see here) whose criminal activities extended to Chad (see here) and other countries.

Edilberto Manabat del Carmen had already been arrested in 1987 in California, USA while unlawfully holding gold certificates. (see here) He was arrested again in 2001 in New York while unlawfully holding gold certificates and Federal Reserve notes, and eventually sentenced in 2003 to 12 years, seven months in prison. (see here)

Both Ernest Rauthschild and Edilberto del Carmen claimed in the past to be M1

A metal chest containing several smaller metal boxes inscribed with “Property of the United States of America” was also found inside the villa where Edilberto del Carmen was arrested in 2017 (see image above).

Del Carmen told investigators that the boxes contained sensitive and highly-classified documents, like obligations of the United States and original copies of treaties, including the Treaty of Versailles. (see here)

Another example of the fantasy of Ernest Rauthschild is his fake Cease and Desist issued in 2017.

It will be noticed at the beginning of Rauthschild written communication to all "Keepers" of Royal Assets, that this appears to be in conjunction with "Re: ICJ/ICC Asset Settlements" which in itself is a joke because the ICJ/ICC hold absolutely no legal jurisdiction over the issue of the Collaterals Accounts / Royal Assets / the Keepers, or anyone else legally connected to the Assets/Collateral Accounts. So, not legally holding any jurisdiction over same actually means that any decisions the ICJ/ICC make in relation to Collateral Accounts/Assets of the Royal Families is void of any legal status and unenforceable in law. 

That position is entirely in the legal hands and rights of the International Treasury Controller, no one else whatsoever. 

And, as we all know, the ICJ/ICC are just puppets for some Western Countries whose judges are appointed, as stooges, by the very cabal that owns them. In other words the judges are Yes men/women who do as they are told.

Then, slightly further down the page are the words "The Royal Imperial Federal Reserve System". There is no such named system. There is however a Federal Reserve System, and a Federal Reserve Bank, the latter being a privately owned corporation. The former was originally financed by the Global Debt Facility/Collateral Accounts on the basis of how it was structured and its objectives to subsidise specific systems that were beneficial to the people of the world. One of those systems was the mortgage system, allowing people to acquire their own property (home ownership), which ultimately became badly corrupted and restricted only to America and its people. 

Bill Clinton, former President of the United States was one person in 1998 who "ordered" the organizations of ‘Freddie Mac" and "Fannie Mae" to issue Bonds in favour of the "Global Debt Facility" in the value of hundreds of billions of US Dollars to cover the USA debt he had created through theft and fraud against the Collateral Accounts. That is a large part of the reason why within the 2007/8 Financial Crash, "Freddie Mac" and "Fannie Mae" were insolvent and standing ready to declare bankruptcy, which was eventually avoided, but only just, when the Global Debt Facility came to the rescue of "Freddie Mac" and "Fannie Mae". This had to be done otherwise virtually every home owner in the USA that held a mortgage would have lost their homes and everything else they owned. The US would have totally collapsed and probably a state of civil war would have existed. No one wants the people to suffer in such a way, but what respect have they shown for it. No respect at all as they (the Government and managers of the system) have just taken full advantage of it and carried on in their usual corrupt ways ever since. 

Then there is the subject matter "ALL Keepers of The Royal Assets". Yes there are, or were, Agreements with all Keepers initiated by Ferdinand Marcos, M1 and Master Holder prior to 20th December 1998 and Marcos's death in September 1989. However, those Agreements were violated by the United Nations and World Bank when they suddenly stopped paying the meagre monthly fee to the Keepers in 2007, so legally there are no Agreements in existence that can be legally enforced. So what is this guy, Ernest Rauthschild, and his handlers, talking about? However, this is typical of the Western cabal doing what they want, when they want, and how they want, irrespective of the law. 

Another point I noticed was the actual website that this article about Ernest Rauthschild first appeared. At the very top of the web page it states "Rauthschild, Chua and Associates Ltd". The name Chua was one long associated with Ferdinand Marcos, namely Maria Chua, long since deceased, who some proclaim she was the mistress of Ferdinand Marcos, but who actually worked with Ferdinand Marcos quietly in the background with the Global Debt Facility. However, that did not stop several people in the Philippines from purporting to be Maria Chua and attempting to make claim against the assets of the Global Debt Facility, which is not different to Imelda Marcos laying claim to assets of the Global Debt Facility under the auspices of being "The Marcos Wealth or Yamashita Treasure".

Below is a copy over of the last page of the Agreement duly executed by Angel Ferdinand Marcos and Ernest Rauthschild as proof of their joint relationship together in this enormous scam.

If you have in your family what are referred to as Historical Bonds, or large scale Federal Reserve Notes, sometimes in the billions of U.S. dollars, or if you have depositories of precious metals and other valuables referred to as Heritage Assets on your property, then this fake Rauthschild is attempting to get you to send them to him. This is pure Jerzy Babkowski / ZAP / Susan / dead Poof / China Landa Global-like skullduggery, only it's presented in a whole new package and this is part of the offensive now throwing all available bodies in in a desperate last ditch effort to steal the remaining gold that has been left unprotected from the banking and intelligence predators, before they can't get to it anymore.

Ernest Rauthschild is a Filipino who has lived in the United States and is a total fake with no power or authority whatsoever over the assets or accounts of the Global Debt Facility that are secreted away within the Philippines. All known Keepers, Guardians, Custodians have been advised to completely ignore this person and any statements he makes, as there are no settlements as he claims and there is no such establishment/organization as the Royal Imperial Sovereign International Court of Justice.

This whole scenario is a replica of the fake King of Kings in Indonesia who also claims power and authority over the assets and accounts of the Global Debt Facility.

There is another very important factor in all of this which actually was established in International Treaties prior to 1900, which is that the person who is appointed as the ITC, Legal Heir, Owner, Sole Arbiter, must always be a descendant of a contributor Royal Family to the Global Debt Facility. One of the reasons for this is that the Royal Families were the original beneficiaries of the Wealth of the World until it was designated by the Royal Families to be utilized for the benefit of the Nations and People of the World. Ferdinand Marcos was a descendant of the Chinese Qing Royal Family, Queen Elizabeth of the UK Royal Family, Dr. Ray C. Dam is a descendant of the Cambodian Royal Family, and the last ITC was a descendant of a European Royal Family.

Saturday 25 March 2023

Kimberly Ann Goguen aka Kim Goguen and her fake connection to the Collateral Accounts

Another fraud and pathological liar who has been present on the Internet for a number of years is Kimberly Ann Goguen aka Kim Goguen aka Kim Possible along with her fake Sovereign Kingdom of Manna and Manna World Holding Trust.

Like others, she has also been purpoting to be in control of the Collateral Accounts or specific accounts of the same facility.

As for the Account number FMCA7778887778889999 mentioned above (see image) which Kim Goguen has been claiming to control. The FMCA represents Ferdinand Marcos Collateral Accounts. As for the number following the FMCA, it legally doesn't exist. In other words the account number is totally fake. The 777 within the number quoted is allocated to the Tubercio Villamor Marcos accounts. The 888 numbers are numbers allocated for operational accounts only, and the 999 numbers are not even allocated. So this number is fake for which there is no specific Holder or Signatory name.

Some of the frauds by Kim Goguen and Manna World Holding Trust reported in the press:









Some more information on her activity at this link.

The 2014 statement by the World Bank on Karen Judes


Statement on Former Staff Member Karen Hudes

July 8, 2014

An individual named Karen Hudes has been issuing correspondence and arranging meetings in the name of the World Bank. In some communications, Ms. Hudes has presented herself as the World Bank's Acting General Counsel.

Karen Hudes has not been employed by the World Bank since 2007 and is in no capacity authorized to represent any arm of the World Bank Group. Any claims otherwise by Ms. Hudes or her proxies are false and should not be viewed as credible.

Link: https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2014/07/08/statement-former-staff-karen-hudes.print

See also The late Karen Hudes and her fake connection to the Collateral Accounts

Wednesday 22 March 2023

UN Swissindo and the fake M1 Mr Sino Soegihartonotonegoro

Swissindo World Trust International Orbit aka UN Swissindo, based in Cirebon, West Java (Indonesia) is one of the many fraudulent operations against the Global Debt Facility and one of the most organised and elaborate ones on the Internet with their own sites and social media. They managed to attract a lot of people in Indonesia and elsewhere around the world.

Thousands of people in Indonesia alone refused to pay their debt towards their banks because they claimed that the "Debt-Burden Liberation Certificate" they were holding issued by Swissindo and Mr Sino would liberate Indonesian people from any debt. (link)

The United Nations reported Swissindo as a scam (link).

Their leader SUGIHARTONO alias ​​​​SINO SUGIHARTO NOTO NEGORO was arrested in August 2018 (link) and sentenced in January 2019 to 3 years and 10 months of jail for falsifying financial letters (criminal case number 421/Pid.B/2018/PN Sbr).

Mr Sino Sugiharto Noto Negoro (left)

The Swissindo group calls itself a "sovereign organisation with its own combined collateral...of Gold and Platinum." and Mr Sino is mentioned among other titles as the M1 and "the 681st King in an unbroken line of Indonesia servant-kings called “King of Kings”". (link)

There is no such title as "King of Kings" in respect of the Collateral Accounts. Mr Sino appears to have a very big ego and was, for whatever reason, clearly over glorifying himself without any basis whatsoever. Such jokers always enter the stage in a dramatic manner and then start to postulate in such a way that makes the joker appear to be the saviour and a person of great importance. Of course some people will believe him because their lives are in such a mess that money is their God and they cannot face the reality of life. Mr Sino, and those around him, are nothing more than frauds, insane fools and conmen, all joining the ranks of many others who know very little about the Collateral Accounts, how it is all set up and how it works. This is not the first "King of Kings" we have come across, there is also one person in the Philippines who claims the same position, is as arrogant as anyone can possibly be, and nothing or no one else is right or true, only what he believes is the truth. They all have an excellent and vivid imagination and they would do well writing fairy tale books for children.

Swissindo and Mr Sino went as far as creating a so called "voucher M1 master bond" as a life basic income for all.

Mr Sino used to hold Gold Bullion Certificates of which most are the certificates formerly held by President Soekarno, but he could not use them at all, because he needed all the other parts. Anyhow, he is not even mentioned in Soekarno’s 5 personal volumes of the records of the Collateral Accounts held by Soekarno under Custodianship rules; so Mr Sino is effectively a nobody. The certificates he held are possibly what he has stolen, or, certificates that have been passed to him by others.

The certificates are always held many miles away from the physical asset, so certificates which Mr Sino was holding are not relevant because the physical for those certificates will not be in Indonesia, or anywhere that he can get at it. All assets and accounts are listed on screens but more to the point there is a full and accurate register of the assets and the locations. None of the stolen assets evaporate into thin air. They are there somewhere and will ultimately be recovered. 

Swissindo is a scam, a very elaborate scam which most Indonesians would never be able to put together in a lifetime. One needs collaborators which means a highly dubious and crooked bank, some exceptional lawyers, and strong and high level connections into an already dubious and crooked financial system to be able to manipulate the system for your own means. 

The Collateral Accounts are not, and never have been, linked to any one country, politics, religion, or anything else. They are completely independent to ensure that no one, or no party, has, or exercises any power, undue influence, duress over said accounts.

Monday 20 March 2023

The late Karen Hudes and her fake connection to the Collateral Accounts

Karen Alexandra Hudes passed away last October 2022 in Ocean Pines, MD (December 20th 1948 - October 27th 2022). She started speaking publicly on the Internet regarding the Collateral Accounts around 2013. 

Our team was the first to start mentioning the Global Debt Facility and related subjects and history on the Internet since 2008 through our pen names "Whistleblower" and later on "David P. Crayford". Since then many have copied some of our information usually distorting the truth to their own purposes.

Although Karen Hudes recognised the reality of the Collateral Accounts and helped expose some crooks like OPPT and Neil Keenan, unfortunately she contributed to create a lot of confusion on the subject. The truth is she NEVER had anything to do legally with the Global Debt Facility, other than what she falsely claimed.

First of all, the World Bank Group never recognised her role of "Acting General Counsel" of the World Bank Group. She made it up like many other statements she shared in last ten years or so.

Below here the OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION issued by the President of the World Bank Group in 2016 with copy furnished to Interpol and Law Enforcement Agencies worldwide which states, quote:

This institution is hereby notifying all concerned that KAREN HUDES who claimed as Acting General Counsel of the World Bank Group of which was previously employed in this institution has been OFFICIALLY TERMINATED on July 16th, 2007 due to inappropriate behaviour and continuous misrepresentation of invalid heritage documents as per instruction of the International Court of Justice [...]
Earlier on July 14th, 2014, we released statement against KAREN HUDES that her written monies were not credible and she has not been authorized to act/or to represent in any arms of this institution since her termination. 
Furthermore per instruction of the International Court of Justice to enforce, WITHOUT EXEMPTION, all Law Enforcement Agencies worldwide for immediate persecution and imprisonment against all known Claimants worldwide including KAREN HUDES and all her cohorts for her continuous misrepresentation of this entity and the illegal transmission of certain dissolved heritage documents that have been ordered to dispossess of. 

That should be enough to start framing the question in the right context.

This document had been officially investigated by us and we confirmed it to be genuine. 

At least we must be grateful that the World Bank Group has, at last, taken the appropriate action to curtail and eliminate some former employees (impostors), such as Karen Hudes and her cohorts which includes Wolfgang Struck. 

However, in another section of said document, being the lower part of paragraph 1, we have to seriously criticize the World Bank Group for their ambiguity and aberration of their comments in this other section which in itself is grossly misrepresenting facts, probably purposely for the misleading of others.

On the fourth line of the 1st paragraph it states, quote:

as per instruction of the International Court of Justice to EXPUNGE, DELETE and SHRED for the bank records forever all HERITAGE DOCUMENTS obstinately claimed and owned by all disparage unauthorized parties worldwide and interlocked thereof into ONE SOVEREIGN ACCOUNT under the Sole Control Management and Responsibility of this institution and naming the HOLY GOD IN HEAVEN as the SOLE OWNER of all dissolved Heritage Wealth worldwide that reverted into DIVINE WEALTH and naming the author of Notarized ...................................................... as the SOLE TRUSTEE AND SIGNATORY over said DIVINE WEALTH.
There are numerous issues with this statement:

a) the fact and reality that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) holds no jurisdiction whatsoever over any issue related, associated, concerning, or otherwise, to the Combined International Collateral Accounts, otherwise known as the “HOLY WEALTH OF OUR HOLY FATHER IN HEAVEN” and “DIVINE WEALTH”. The above World Bank statement is a complete misrepresentation of the true legal nature of the Collateral Accounts.

The person who is the Master Custodian of this “DIVINE WEALTH” is M1, formerly Ferdinand Marcos former President of the Philippines, then Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to whom the M1 position was transferred to on December 20th 1988 by Ferdinand Marcos.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (as Chairman), together with the Committee of worldwide Royal Family members and Primary Nations of the World appointed, on January 20th 1995, the very first International Treasury Controller, Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter of the Global Debt Facility (DIVINE WEALTH) who was Dr. Ray C. Dam, descendant of the Cambodian Royal Family and former G7 Gold Signatory.
Dr. Dam was removed from his position in September 2011 after being professionally assessed as being mentally incapacitated. This led to the appointment of a replacement for Dr. Dam (May 2012).

In 1995 when the first International Treasury Controller was appointed, he as the Institution was bestowed with “Sovereign” status with its very own legal jurisdiction, which is the only jurisdiction in the world that has the power and authority to adjudicate on any issue re: the International Treasury Control, the Collateral Accounts (AKA Global Debt Facility, Divine Wealth, Holy Wealth of our Holy Father in Heaven, Foundation Divine), its operations, assets and accounts, documents (historic and / or present).

The above also applies to the following International Treasury Controllers.

It is well known that the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, the Federal Reserve, have been massively abusing the assets and accounts of the Global Debt Facility for decades, contrary to the fact that any power or authority granted to them, if any, by the former TTTGC (1945 – 1995) was voided / superseded by the Treaty appointing the First International Treasury Controller (1995), further confirmed voided by the Treaty appointing the second International Treasury Controller, and further voided and declared legally unenforceable by the “Sovereign Decrees” issued June 2012, enacted into Law on 1st July 2012.

So, who is this illegal Sole Trustee and Signatory of the Divine Wealth that appears to have been appointed by the World Bank Group contrary to International Treaties? In reality these actions by the World Bank Group can be seen as hypocritical; a typical example of the “pot calling the kettle black” as they are equally as guilty as Karen Hudes in their continuous misrepresentation of the facts / truth.

The question asked above can be answered by the World Bank Group because any appointment agreement / contract made by the World Bank Group is illegal and unenforceable, and they know it. At the same time the World Bank Group do not hold any authority or power to place a “Classification” on such information that restricts publication because they themselves hold no power or authority over such matters to begin with.

b) the second point here is that the World Bank Group have been instructed to EXPUNGE, DELETE and SHRED from the Bank records forever all HERITAGE DOCUMENTS. An instruction by the ICJ, who have no jurisdiction whatsoever over such matters, to the World Bank Group, who also hold no power or authority over issues concerning the Collateral Accounts. An impotent legal institution giving order to a legally impotent financial institution.

Has this instruction been given by the ICJ and (possibly) complied with by the World Bank Group to remove all evidence of criminal activities by both the ICJ and the World Bank Group?

I consider the fact that “destroying of all evidence of criminal activities” to be far more applicable, feasible and relevant than simply the factor surrounding Karen Hudes of whom the latter publicly admitted and exposed the corruption within the World Bank Group in her earlier days as a whistleblower.

As for Karen Hudes she did not want to know the truth when she refused to accept our official communication to her.

Karen Hudes was NOT the Trustee, either in part or full, of TVM-LSM-666 /777 on behalf of the Global Debt Facility. NEITHER is Wolfgang Struck. Both are IMPOSTERS and FRAUDS. 

The TVM they talked about was the fake Tubercio Villamore Marcos (TVM), an absolute fake put into position by the World Bank and United Nations, just like the totally fake Anthony Santiago Martins' that originally existed some time ago. All done for a purpose, which is to unlawfully claim assets of the Global Debt Facility. The real TUBERCIO VILLAMORE MARCOS has been in hiding outside the borders of the Philippines, to avoid being assassinated by the "hit squads" employed by the World Bank and United Nations. Any act, actions undertaken by this fake TVM, or any documents executed by same, are totally fraudulent and legally unenforceable.

Neither have, or hold, Documents of Appointment issued by the International Treasury Controller, and neither hold the security level classification to handle any matters, issues, or otherwise for or on behalf of the International Treasury Controller, the Global Debt Facility or any Trust / Foundation whether Master Trust / Foundation, Secondary Trust / Foundation, Sub-Trust / Foundation, Sub sub-Trust / Foundation or other.

Karen Hudes and Wolfgang Struck displayed several documents all of which were fake or forged but they couldn’t accept that factor and still hinged on them as being real. First it was the Green Hilton Agreement which has been void ever since Johnson was sworn in as President in Dallas following the death of Kennedy. Then they went onto the Successor Bi-lateral Minesfield Breakthrough Agreement, which was a fake. All of which Hudes had obtained from Struck and Struck had obtained from some Filipinos. Furthermore, what they fail to understand is that all such agreements, even if they held any valid agreements at one time or another, were superseded by the 1995 Treaty, the 2012 Treaty, and the “Sovereign Decrees” dated 12th June 2012, enacted into law on 1st July 2012.

It is a merry-go-round of crooks stealing from the mouths of the babes of the Nations of the world, and it is being heavily overloaded with the likes of Karen Hudes, Wolfgang Struck, Neil Keenan, Akihiko Yamaguchi, Alberto Marcos Marcos, plus many others, known and unknown.

All in all, the above is just the tip of the iceberg. Karen Hudes and Wolfgang Struck have been obtaining documents from imposters who were unlawfully holding them in the Philippines, in addition to other sources, and then proclaiming them to be real and genuine, plus using them to garner support from the naïve public readers. Furthermore, Hudes and Struck used these documents to proclaim that they have all the information and are far more knowledgeable on the subject matter than the real person / people being the ITC.

If you only have one piece of this enormous jigsaw puzzle, you effectively know a very limited amount or nothing at all.

These people go to tremendous lengths and expenses for the purpose of making themselves appear important and knowledgeable. They are easily distinguishable from genuine persons because they have a few individual documents which they have obtained from some specific source, usually not genuine, or they have stolen / forged / faked documents, which they believe are real. Then they take that one particular aspect of the Global Debt Facility in complete isolation from everything else connected to the Global Debt Facility, its history (past and present), and many other factors, finally ending up embarrassing themselves and then they disappear into oblivion, but not realising the damage they have caused, or possibly realising the damage they have done because that was their purpose and aim, in the process of their escapades.

Saturday 18 March 2023

The self-proclaimed judge Anna Maria Riezinger aka Anna Von Reitz and her fake connection to the Collateral Accounts

In the multi-coloured world of Internet-based wannabes who purport to be connected to the Collateral Accounts and related trusts and foundations, Anna Maria Riezinger also known as Anna Von Reitz emerges as one of the most curious characters. 

This self-proclaimed judge from Alaska (as confirmed by two official documents of a US Court in Ohio, see here and here) claims to be "the Lawful Fiduciary, the direct living progeny of St. Germain, as well as the Fiduciary of The United States of America" (link) and that "my Sister and I are the only known familial Heirs of Saint Germain left alive after the fire-bombing of Dresden". (link)

Ms Reizinger has no connection whatsoever with the Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility nor with any of the trusts, foundations and companies part of the same Facility, including those connected to St. Germain's assets

To her credit, we acknowledge that she has stated in the past that what she calls 'Global Collateral Accounts' (official name: Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility) are real - whether that statement is based on real knowledge of same is another matter - still she wrongly believes that with regards to the ownership of the Collateral Accounts "the heirs are not known, and as a result those assets belong to the world-at-large" (link). Contradicting herself, in another article she stated that "The D'Avila Family Trust is the owner of the so-called Global Collateral Accounts" (link). Elsewhere Ms Riezinger also stated that the gold deposited in the Philippines is "all gold belonging to the American States and People." (link)

Contrary to what Ms Reizinger stated, the heirs are well known and are not the D'Avila family or any other specific family from the Philippines or the American States and People. The historical owners and heirs of those assets are the Royal families of the world along with the Vatican especially after WWII when the Vatican was 'forced' to add assets to the Collateral Accounts, being the Pope since then one of the signatories to the international treaties related to the Global Debt Facility. Most people - even in higher circles - are not aware of that simply because the whole subject is classified top secret

Those assets do not "belong to the world-at-large", instead they have been collected and united through centuries and especially since the 1850s by the actual owners, being the Royal families of the world whom since 1995 appointed a single owner of same assets, the International Treasury Controller

The Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility have been deposited and secreted away in countries around the world and have been curated and administered historically by various legal bodies and/or custodians. They were deposited in Trusts, Foundations, Institutions and Corporations, which were legally placed, recorded, and registered under an umbrella Trust and Foundation namely, 'Foundation Divine' and 'Heritage International Trust'.

The Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility are placed in many financial and other institutions around the world, whereby the only legally appointed person, with full control and authority over the Global Debt Facility is the 'International Treasury Controller' who is bestowed with the legal ownership, sole arbitrary rights and the full Legal Authority to utilise these assets and funds.

(source: What are the Collateral Accounts?)

The story that the owners of those huge assets deposited around the world are not known is a fantasy spread by some US rogue forces decades ago in order to justify their theft of same which has been happening for a long time.

purpose built tunnels and bunkers were constructed in many countries to accommodate the secretion of some physical assets, as well as the scuttling of ships carrying such physical assets, in deep waters of the oceans that were, at that time, beyond exploration until technical advancements were made in the decades following World War II, it then became known as the “Who was first to find the secreted treasures” and effectively a “Free for all” spearheaded by America and followed closely by its Allied Nation collaborators.

(source: The Chiasso Conundrum)

Also, the gold that was confiscated in the US in the 1930s is not owned by the American people as Ms Riezinger wrongly implies when she states that "When that bankruptcy was finally discharged and settled the World Bank received the actual gold--- the physical assets confiscated from our ancestors and which we are heir to--- as its part of the loot. Notice that the gold should have come back to the Priority Creditors—the American people". (link)

To clarify the subject matter, here is some history on how the United States is actually heavily indebted to the Global Debt Facility.

When America was legally bankrupt, both during and after the Great Depression, the world had to come, once again, to the rescue. As you will probably be aware, America has technically been bankrupt many times in the last 200 – 250 years, mainly because America has no financial discipline or responsibility – a situation that the world can see yet again since 2007/8. 

The world did come to the rescue of America in the early 30s, only because to do otherwise would have thrown the whole world into total chaos. 

To rescue America, and the whole world at the same time, the world utilised the Global Debt Facility, but there were conditions attached. Those conditions led to America enacting the Executive Order 6102, April 5th 1933, and the Gold Reserve Act, January 30th 1934. These Executive Order / Act were enacted to accumulate all the gold in America to pay off American debts. Unfortunately for America, the amount of gold accumulated within the US Treasury was insufficient to pay the debts in full, therefore America had to be supported by the gold of the Global Debt Facility. The amount of gold confiscated in America at the time amounted to approximately ten (10%) percent of the total debt value, hence why the Global Debt Facility had to stand in and support America. 

In return America was forced by the global community to issue Debt Obligation Certificates to the Global Debt Facility in the form of Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve Bonds, Wells Fargo Certificates, American Dream Certificates, J.P.Morgan Bonds, all dated 1933 and 1934. 

Some of the above notes, bonds and certificates were later on stolen from depositories to be unlawfully used by some rogue forces - mainly in the US - for their own purposes. In some cases they succeded usually with the support of the Fed, in other cases they did not and the financial instruments were recovered. See our recent article Neil Keenan and his "Trillion Dollar Lawsuit" (2011).

The gold confiscated in America was actually passed to the IBRD (World Bank) as Agents for the Global Debt Facility, whereby this gold was formally registered as an asset of a Trust / Foundation, which in itself is owned by the Global Debt Facility, as were thousands of other Trusts and Foundations as legal heirs and owners of all assets held by said Trusts / Foundations. The gold confiscated in America was shipped to a depository for safe and secure secretion. I am therefore sorry to inform Ms Riezinger that the gold does not belong to the American people, as claimed. It is the legal property of the Global Debt Facility. 

The readers may be asking themselves who said that gold actually belongs to the Global Debt Facility. The reason is that the costs involved for the Global Debt Facility far exceeded the value of gold confiscated in America. This is supported and explained by the fact that the value of the aforementioned Certificates, Bonds, and Notes, issued by America far exceeded the value of the gold confiscated, and the value of the gold utilised by the Global Debt Facility to bail out America, a sizable portion covering all the costs involved for the Global Debt Facility at the time. 

It doesn’t surprise us, and it is unfortunate, that Ms Riezinger as well as most people are not aware of some of the relevant issues here because the Global Debt Facility was in transition at the time from a Beneficiary Controlled Facility to a Facility being passed to Independent Control following the 1920/21 London Treaty and the 1929 Amendments to the London Treaty. Having stated that, the Treaty and Treaty Agreements executed at the time were “private” Treaties and Treaty Agreements holding a “Shrouded in Secrecy, Above Top Secret or Top Secret category”.

Those Treaty and Treaty Agreements are still held today as “Shrouded in Secrecy, Above Top Secret or Top Secret category” because they are “private”, whereby only a handful of people around the world have access to same. 

It was hoped, and anticipated, by the legal beneficiaries of the Global Debt Facility that America would, at long last have learned its lesson of fiscal discipline and responsibility. Unfortunately, and as we see today, that has not been the case whereby America just carries on as normal, probably believing that the world will come to its rescue yet again, for which such a belief is far from the realms of any possibility.

Above, I mention about the transition of the Global Debt Facility to Independent Control from its Beneficiary Control. 

This was achieved after WW II when the Bretton Woods Agreement came into effect. Alongside which and within side agreements, the IMF and World Bank were born. What the world did not know was that there were several other side Treaties and Agreements at the same time which ultimately would affect the whole world at some time in the future. 

One of those side Treaties called for the establishment of the Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission (TTTGC) to manage and administer the Global Debt Facility. This Commission was to be made up of the Allied Nations (America, France and the UK) and held a term of fifty (50) years. Furthermore, the objectives of the Commission were to utilise the assets of the Global Debt Facility to assist ALL countries that had been devastated by the effects and actions caused by WW II, provided such assistance was authorised and approved by the then M1, which was Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines. 

The establishment of a Commission and the objectives of same had to be commended, at least at the time. Unfortunately, what was supposed to be just failed to happen whereby only the Allied Nations and their friends benefited from these objectives. Many Nations were left to their own devices to rebuild their Nations from the devastation of WW II. 

Ferdinand Marcos, as M1, was totally ignored by the TTTGC, whereby all acts undertaken by the TTTGC were unlawful and illegal. 

The IMF and World Bank, supposedly institutionalised at the time of the Bretton Woods Agreement, soon became joined at the hip of the TTTGC, and were quietly ordered / forced to abide by the decisions, directives, orders, etc of their masters - America, France, and the UK as the three parties (Allies) of the TTTGC. They still do today. 

The unlawful acts of the TTTGC, one of which was the “Brady Bonds”, continued throughout the fifty (50) year term of the TTTGC, much to the dismay and anguish of the original beneficiaries, who still hold the power to appoint the Administrators and Managers of the Global Debt Facility. Furthermore, the unlawful acts of the TTTGC, the IMF and the World Bank, coupled with the BIS, still continue to this day. 

In reality, the members of the TTTGC, IMF, World Bank, and BIS, structured the Global Debt Facility operation to suit their own purposes, which includes fraud, embezzlement, deception, fiscal abuse, financial support of specific Heads of State and Governments of friendly countries around the world, or those countries with whom it was easy, by the use of monetary favours, to covert, which by the way includes “black ops” supporting oppositional groups in unfriendly countries. Does Libya, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, and others ring many bells. 

Yes, there are indeed accounts of the Global Debt Facility that have been introduced by the TTTGC, World Bank, and the BIS, such as Spiritual Wonder Boy Allied Forces Account, Spiritual Wonder Boy Allied Account, and so on. These accounts are not supposed to exist as the accounts / assets of the Global Debt Facility cannot, and must not, be used / utilised for any form of military means, even the manufacture of military equipment. That factor is written into the International Treaties and Treaty Agreements, but totally ignored by the TTTGC, World Bank and BIS. 

By the 1980s, the original beneficiaries of the Global Debt Facility had had enough and decided that they would not, under any circumstances renew, or extend, the fifty (50) year term of the TTTGC. This policy was strictly adhered to, whereby on the 31st December 1994, the position of the TTTGC had been completely terminated with all Powers and Authorities stripped from the TTTGC forthwith. 

In its place, the original beneficiaries decided to appoint one of their own number, being Dr. Ray C. Dam, who was a descendant of the Cambodian Royal Family. Dr. Dam was also an experienced Central Banker and the former G7 Gold signatory. Dr. Dam was appointed on January 20th 1995 as the International Treasury Controller (ITC), Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter of all assets / accounts of the Global Debt Facility. In addition, Dr. Dam as the International Treasury Controller was institutionalised as a “Sovereign” with its own Jurisdiction, under UN Charter Control NO: 10-60847. This was to ensure total independence of the International Treasury Controller, free from any interference, impediment, or otherwise from any person, group, institution, Sovereign Nation, or otherwise. 

Dr. Dam’s term as International Treasury Controller, abruptly came to an end in December 2010, by a joint operation between the persons surrounding Dr. Dam in Cambodia and the CIA. He was imprisoned without charge on issues not even related to the ITC. These issues were to do with a commercial operation in Cambodia in conjunction with his nephew. Whilst he was in prison, an attempt to poison him occurred, for which Dr. Dam was transferred to the hospital. We now know that the poison used on Dr. Dam is one which seriously affects the body organs (liver, kidneys, lungs, and heart). As a result Dr. Dam was medically assessed in August 2011 / September 2011 by a team of experts engaged by the original beneficiaries of the Global Debt Facility. Dr. Dam was removed from his position in September 2011 with all his powers and authorities immediately revoked. 

In May 2012, a new International Treasury Controller, Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter of the Global Debt Facility, was appointed. 

It is the International Treasury Controller who legally owns the Global Debt Facility, not the World Bank, IMF, USA, or any other person or party who make wild and unwarranted claims of same. 

In respect of Ferdinand Marcos as M1, he had enormous problems with the TTTGC, and eventually came under enormous pressure (again with the assistance of the CIA). We are all aware of what happened to Ferdinand Marcos in, and after 1986. However, knowing that he would not escape what the Americans had in store for him, he legally passed the M1 position and the Alpha – Omega Ring to a Royal Family member, who drew immense popularity and respect from around the world, being Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The said legal passing of the M1 position was undertaken on 20th December 1988, just 9 months or so before the death of Ferdinand Marcos. 

The M1 position actually now lies, all but in name, with the appointed International Treasury Controller.

Thursday 16 March 2023

Neil Keenan and his "Trillion Dollar Lawsuit" (2011)

Neil F. Keenan gained much of his fame on the Internet back in 2011 thanks to his so called "Trillion Dollar Lawsuit" which was promoted by many sites and blogs of the alternative media world at the time.

This lawsuit was a real one, still one whose nature was not so genuine.

What really happened that led to this lawsuit?

Neil F. Keenan was caught red-handed in 2009 in Zurich (Switzerland) unlawfully holding historical bonds and notes which cannot and should not be used in the financial world without the authorization of the M1/International Treasury Controller. In fact those historical bonds and notes - like many others - were stolen from depositories in past decades in places the likes of the Philippines and China. They belong to the Collateral Accounts.

Those bonds and notes held by Keenan were recovered through a 'sting operation'. 

Keenan never accepted that and in revenge - to save his own face towards his masters (Neil F. Keenan is a convicted felon in the US, see image below) - he exposed on the Internet what happened, still fabricating a lot of lies and distorting the truth in order to create a fake clean image of himself.

All this led to his 2011 lawsuit which was deposited in New York.

The lawsuit was against a number of 'defendants' most of whom were arbitrarily added to the list by Keenan without any reason at all. Keenan added to the list of defendants some big names in order to attract more attention to his legal action. In fact the only real big name in this saga was the one Keenan himself involved to try and cover his own misdeeds, i.e. the then director of the N.S.A. General Keith B. Alexander whom Keenan boasted to be a friend of.

Although full of lies and half-truths, the lawsuit managed to make some noise even at the top of the world and reached the table of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - Head of the Committee supervising the direction of the ITC - and the then President of the U.S.A., Barack Hussein Obama.

Once the legal action by Keenan became known to the authorities in 2011, the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder received a diplomatic pouch (classified top secret) informing him of the actual nature of the historical bonds and notes object of the Keenan's lawsuit.

The case was officially dismissed in 2012 (see pdf file below). No subject matter jurisdiction. Also, most of the defendants held diplomatic immunity including those related to the ITC.

Since then Keenan has kept making noise on the Internet in order to save his face. 

He never accepted the hard truth of unlawfully holding financial instruments and being caught red-handed. 

You can read more about Keenan's saga in the book The Chiasso Conundrum published on this blog.

Sunday 12 March 2023

Five Star Trust and Marion Horn

Five Star Trust and Marion Horn have been known and monitored for many years. One of the many entities trying to steal assets of the Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility

Mr. Marion Horn, Jr, no you are not associated with the Spiritual Wonder Boy or White Spiritual Boy accounts. Nor with other hundreds of accounts as you claim which do not belong to the Five Star Trust. You are simply part of a scheme trying to unlawfully release and download funds of the Collateral Accounts. We have seen many like you and your associates over many years.

The only person that can legally release and utilise funds and assets of the Global Debt Facility is the International Treasury Controller. And no, Dr. Dam you are not the ITC anymore even though we are fully aware you have been supported since your demise in 2010 by some crooks in the US (right, Keith F. Scott?) and other allied countries. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was fully aware of your association with some American politicians, bankers, intelligence and other crooks who have been stealing assets of the Collateral Accounts for decades.

One final note: Marion Horn Jr, even though you are a crook - and 'a crook is always a crook', as His Excellency used to say - we are sorry for what happened to your son.