Our team was the first to start mentioning the Global Debt Facility and related subjects and history on the Internet since 2008 through our pen names "Whistleblower" and later on "David P. Crayford". Since then many have copied some of our information usually distorting the truth to their own purposes.
Although Karen Hudes recognised the reality of the Collateral Accounts and helped expose some crooks like OPPT and Neil Keenan, unfortunately she contributed to create a lot of confusion on the subject. The truth is she NEVER had anything to do legally with the Global Debt Facility, other than what she falsely claimed.
First of all, the World Bank Group never recognised her role of "Acting General Counsel" of the World Bank Group. She made it up like many other statements she shared in last ten years or so.
Below here the OFFICIAL NOTIFICATION issued by the President of the World Bank Group in 2016 with copy furnished to Interpol and Law Enforcement Agencies worldwide which states, quote:
This institution is hereby notifying all concerned that KAREN HUDES who claimed as Acting General Counsel of the World Bank Group of which was previously employed in this institution has been OFFICIALLY TERMINATED on July 16th, 2007 due to inappropriate behaviour and continuous misrepresentation of invalid heritage documents as per instruction of the International Court of Justice [...]
Earlier on July 14th, 2014, we released statement against KAREN HUDES that her written monies were not credible and she has not been authorized to act/or to represent in any arms of this institution since her termination.
Furthermore per instruction of the International Court of Justice to enforce, WITHOUT EXEMPTION, all Law Enforcement Agencies worldwide for immediate persecution and imprisonment against all known Claimants worldwide including KAREN HUDES and all her cohorts for her continuous misrepresentation of this entity and the illegal transmission of certain dissolved heritage documents that have been ordered to dispossess of.
This document had been officially investigated by us and we confirmed it to be genuine.
At least we must be grateful that the World Bank Group has, at last, taken the appropriate action to curtail and eliminate some former employees (impostors), such as Karen Hudes and her cohorts which includes Wolfgang Struck.
However, in another section of said document, being the lower part of paragraph 1, we have to seriously criticize the World Bank Group for their ambiguity and aberration of their comments in this other section which in itself is grossly misrepresenting facts, probably purposely for the misleading of others.
On the fourth line of the 1st paragraph it states, quote:
as per instruction of the International Court of Justice to EXPUNGE, DELETE and SHRED for the bank records forever all HERITAGE DOCUMENTS obstinately claimed and owned by all disparage unauthorized parties worldwide and interlocked thereof into ONE SOVEREIGN ACCOUNT under the Sole Control Management and Responsibility of this institution and naming the HOLY GOD IN HEAVEN as the SOLE OWNER of all dissolved Heritage Wealth worldwide that reverted into DIVINE WEALTH and naming the author of Notarized ...................................................... as the SOLE TRUSTEE AND SIGNATORY over said DIVINE WEALTH.
There are numerous issues with this statement:
a) the fact and reality that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) holds no jurisdiction whatsoever over any issue related, associated, concerning, or otherwise, to the Combined International Collateral Accounts, otherwise known as the “HOLY WEALTH OF OUR HOLY FATHER IN HEAVEN” and “DIVINE WEALTH”. The above World Bank statement is a complete misrepresentation of the true legal nature of the Collateral Accounts.
The person who is the Master Custodian of this “DIVINE WEALTH” is M1, formerly Ferdinand Marcos former President of the Philippines, then Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to whom the M1 position was transferred to on December 20th 1988 by Ferdinand Marcos.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (as Chairman), together with the Committee of worldwide Royal Family members and Primary Nations of the World appointed, on January 20th 1995, the very first International Treasury Controller, Legal Heir, Owner, and Sole Arbiter of the Global Debt Facility (DIVINE WEALTH) who was Dr. Ray C. Dam, descendant of the Cambodian Royal Family and former G7 Gold Signatory.
Dr. Dam was removed from his position in September 2011 after being professionally assessed as being mentally incapacitated. This led to the appointment of a replacement for Dr. Dam (May 2012).
In 1995 when the first International Treasury Controller was appointed, he as the Institution was bestowed with “Sovereign” status with its very own legal jurisdiction, which is the only jurisdiction in the world that has the power and authority to adjudicate on any issue re: the International Treasury Control, the Collateral Accounts (AKA Global Debt Facility, Divine Wealth, Holy Wealth of our Holy Father in Heaven, Foundation Divine), its operations, assets and accounts, documents (historic and / or present).
The above also applies to the following International Treasury Controllers.
It is well known that the World Bank, the IMF, the BIS, the Federal Reserve, have been massively abusing the assets and accounts of the Global Debt Facility for decades, contrary to the fact that any power or authority granted to them, if any, by the former TTTGC (1945 – 1995) was voided / superseded by the Treaty appointing the First International Treasury Controller (1995), further confirmed voided by the Treaty appointing the second International Treasury Controller, and further voided and declared legally unenforceable by the “Sovereign Decrees” issued June 2012, enacted into Law on 1st July 2012.
So, who is this illegal Sole Trustee and Signatory of the Divine Wealth that appears to have been appointed by the World Bank Group contrary to International Treaties? In reality these actions by the World Bank Group can be seen as hypocritical; a typical example of the “pot calling the kettle black” as they are equally as guilty as Karen Hudes in their continuous misrepresentation of the facts / truth.
The question asked above can be answered by the World Bank Group because any appointment agreement / contract made by the World Bank Group is illegal and unenforceable, and they know it. At the same time the World Bank Group do not hold any authority or power to place a “Classification” on such information that restricts publication because they themselves hold no power or authority over such matters to begin with.
b) the second point here is that the World Bank Group have been instructed to EXPUNGE, DELETE and SHRED from the Bank records forever all HERITAGE DOCUMENTS. An instruction by the ICJ, who have no jurisdiction whatsoever over such matters, to the World Bank Group, who also hold no power or authority over issues concerning the Collateral Accounts. An impotent legal institution giving order to a legally impotent financial institution.
Has this instruction been given by the ICJ and (possibly) complied with by the World Bank Group to remove all evidence of criminal activities by both the ICJ and the World Bank Group?
I consider the fact that “destroying of all evidence of criminal activities” to be far more applicable, feasible and relevant than simply the factor surrounding Karen Hudes of whom the latter publicly admitted and exposed the corruption within the World Bank Group in her earlier days as a whistleblower.
As for Karen Hudes she did not want to know the truth when she refused to accept our official communication to her.
Karen Hudes was NOT the Trustee, either in part or full, of TVM-LSM-666 /777 on behalf of the Global Debt Facility. NEITHER is Wolfgang Struck. Both are IMPOSTERS and FRAUDS.
The TVM they talked about was the fake Tubercio Villamore Marcos (TVM), an absolute fake put into position by the World Bank and United Nations, just like the totally fake Anthony Santiago Martins' that originally existed some time ago. All done for a purpose, which is to unlawfully claim assets of the Global Debt Facility. The real TUBERCIO VILLAMORE MARCOS has been in hiding outside the borders of the Philippines, to avoid being assassinated by the "hit squads" employed by the World Bank and United Nations. Any act, actions undertaken by this fake TVM, or any documents executed by same, are totally fraudulent and legally unenforceable.
Neither have, or hold, Documents of Appointment issued by the International Treasury Controller, and neither hold the security level classification to handle any matters, issues, or otherwise for or on behalf of the International Treasury Controller, the Global Debt Facility or any Trust / Foundation whether Master Trust / Foundation, Secondary Trust / Foundation, Sub-Trust / Foundation, Sub sub-Trust / Foundation or other.
Karen Hudes and Wolfgang Struck displayed several documents all of which were fake or forged but they couldn’t accept that factor and still hinged on them as being real. First it was the Green Hilton Agreement which has been void ever since Johnson was sworn in as President in Dallas following the death of Kennedy. Then they went onto the Successor Bi-lateral Minesfield Breakthrough Agreement, which was a fake. All of which Hudes had obtained from Struck and Struck had obtained from some Filipinos. Furthermore, what they fail to understand is that all such agreements, even if they held any valid agreements at one time or another, were superseded by the 1995 Treaty, the 2012 Treaty, and the “Sovereign Decrees” dated 12th June 2012, enacted into law on 1st July 2012.
It is a merry-go-round of crooks stealing from the mouths of the babes of the Nations of the world, and it is being heavily overloaded with the likes of Karen Hudes, Wolfgang Struck, Neil Keenan, Akihiko Yamaguchi, Alberto Marcos Marcos, plus many others, known and unknown.
All in all, the above is just the tip of the iceberg. Karen Hudes and Wolfgang Struck have been obtaining documents from imposters who were unlawfully holding them in the Philippines, in addition to other sources, and then proclaiming them to be real and genuine, plus using them to garner support from the naïve public readers. Furthermore, Hudes and Struck used these documents to proclaim that they have all the information and are far more knowledgeable on the subject matter than the real person / people being the ITC.
If you only have one piece of this enormous jigsaw puzzle, you effectively know a very limited amount or nothing at all.
These people go to tremendous lengths and expenses for the purpose of making themselves appear important and knowledgeable. They are easily distinguishable from genuine persons because they have a few individual documents which they have obtained from some specific source, usually not genuine, or they have stolen / forged / faked documents, which they believe are real. Then they take that one particular aspect of the Global Debt Facility in complete isolation from everything else connected to the Global Debt Facility, its history (past and present), and many other factors, finally ending up embarrassing themselves and then they disappear into oblivion, but not realising the damage they have caused, or possibly realising the damage they have done because that was their purpose and aim, in the process of their escapades.