Sunday, 4 February 2024

The spiritual significance of gold

It is not easy for many people to understand that there is a large amount of gold in the world that is not publicly known and especially why it is kept hidden. The easiest and most superficial interpretation is that the cabal or the world elite or whatever you want to call them are doing it for selfish reasons of greed. Or similar motivations. But these interpretations are only partially true.

In ancient times it was well understood that gold had a function far beyond monetary measure. In fact, the monetary function of gold is quite recent, it emerged in the last few thousand years. When we think, for example, of the crowns of royalty, we immediately associate them with displays of wealth, with outward rituals to keep the people subdued. As much as these aspects are partly true nowadays, this was not the case in ancient times.

The human being is the crown of Creation, he is the most evolved being whose function is to guard Creation on behalf of the divine. And the divine has always chosen from among humans its representatives. Whether or not these representatives show that they are always worthy ones is another matter. But the hierarchical structure of Creation requires that there always be someone to represent the divine on the planet, both on the invisible and visible planes.

How does the divine maintain contact with these representatives of Him? Through a precipitate of the Sun, which is the local hypostasis of the divine in a solar system. And this precipitate of the Sun is what we call gold.

Gold maintains the connection with the divine, through the Sun, not only for human beings but for the planet as a whole. For the latter, underground gold represents blood for the human being. That is, it is vital for the planet that the gold remains underground, within the planet, so that the planet maintains its connection with the divine. If gold is taken from underground, the planet begins to lose consciousness by gradually losing its connection with the divine through the Sun, unless it is used by humans to keep the connection with the divine and benefit from it.

In other words, gold has a purely spiritual function; it is the medium that enables the planet and also humans to communicate with the divine and maintain contact with it, as well as receive its beneficial vibrations. Every piece of gold we own should be honored and experienced from this perspective.

This is the main reason for the existence of the Divine Foundation, the main Foundation holding the assets of the Global Debt Facility, which although it includes many other assets, has gold as its main reference asset. The gold of the world must be protected. As Ferdinand Marcos - the former M1 and Master Holder of the assets of the Global Debt Facility - wrote in his Last Will and Testament, it is the "Holy Wealth of our Holy Father in Heaven," also called Divine Wealth. Of which we humans, through our Royal representatives, are called to be custodians.

With the fall of humanity's consciousness over the last few thousand years, gold began to be seen as a means of accumulating wealth. More and more people began to extract it from the planet, selfishly hiding it in secret places. But this has created many problems for the planet herself, and we are all paying and will pay the consequences.

In the new civilization, as in the ancient past, gold will return to its real spiritual function.

Ohr Elyon and Elat

Ernest Rauthschild, GIDIFA and Edilberto del Carmen

Ernest Bey aka Ernest Rauthschild, who purports to hold the title of H.E. H.R.H. Royal Prime Minister Ernest Rauthschild is a former associate of Five Star Trust and Marion Horn and GIDIFA, another fake operation headed by the convicted felon Edilberto del Carmen who claimed his real name was Angel Ferdinand Marcos Marcos. The latter claimed to be the illegitimate son of Ferdinand Marcos.

GIDIFA is still active regardless of the fact that their leader Edilberto del Carmen was arrested in 2017 in the Philippines and considered by the local authorities the leader of a crime group operating in Pampanga (see here) whose criminal activities extended to Chad (see here) and other countries.

Edilberto Manabat del Carmen had already been arrested in 1987 in California, USA while unlawfully holding gold certificates. (see here) He was arrested again in 2001 in New York while unlawfully holding gold certificates and Federal Reserve notes, and eventually sentenced in 2003 to 12 years, seven months in prison. (see here)

Both Ernest Rauthschild and Edilberto del Carmen claimed in the past to be M1

A metal chest containing several smaller metal boxes inscribed with “Property of the United States of America” was also found inside the villa where Edilberto del Carmen was arrested in 2017 (see image above).

Del Carmen told investigators that the boxes contained sensitive and highly-classified documents, like obligations of the United States and original copies of treaties, including the Treaty of Versailles. (see here)

Another example of the fantasy of Ernest Rauthschild is his fake Cease and Desist issued in 2017.

It will be noticed at the beginning of Rauthschild written communication to all "Keepers" of Royal Assets, that this appears to be in conjunction with "Re: ICJ/ICC Asset Settlements" which in itself is a joke because the ICJ/ICC hold absolutely no legal jurisdiction over the issue of the Collaterals Accounts / Royal Assets / the Keepers, or anyone else legally connected to the Assets/Collateral Accounts. So, not legally holding any jurisdiction over same actually means that any decisions the ICJ/ICC make in relation to Collateral Accounts/Assets of the Royal Families is void of any legal status and unenforceable in law. 

That position is entirely in the legal hands and rights of the International Treasury Controller, no one else whatsoever. 

And, as we all know, the ICJ/ICC are just puppets for some Western Countries whose judges are appointed, as stooges, by the very cabal that owns them. In other words the judges are Yes men/women who do as they are told.

Then, slightly further down the page are the words "The Royal Imperial Federal Reserve System". There is no such named system. There is however a Federal Reserve System, and a Federal Reserve Bank, the latter being a privately owned corporation. The former was originally financed by the Global Debt Facility/Collateral Accounts on the basis of how it was structured and its objectives to subsidise specific systems that were beneficial to the people of the world. One of those systems was the mortgage system, allowing people to acquire their own property (home ownership), which ultimately became badly corrupted and restricted only to America and its people. 

Bill Clinton, former President of the United States was one person in 1998 who "ordered" the organizations of ‘Freddie Mac" and "Fannie Mae" to issue Bonds in favour of the "Global Debt Facility" in the value of hundreds of billions of US Dollars to cover the USA debt he had created through theft and fraud against the Collateral Accounts. That is a large part of the reason why within the 2007/8 Financial Crash, "Freddie Mac" and "Fannie Mae" were insolvent and standing ready to declare bankruptcy, which was eventually avoided, but only just, when the Global Debt Facility came to the rescue of "Freddie Mac" and "Fannie Mae". This had to be done otherwise virtually every home owner in the USA that held a mortgage would have lost their homes and everything else they owned. The US would have totally collapsed and probably a state of civil war would have existed. No one wants the people to suffer in such a way, but what respect have they shown for it. No respect at all as they (the Government and managers of the system) have just taken full advantage of it and carried on in their usual corrupt ways ever since. 

Then there is the subject matter "ALL Keepers of The Royal Assets". Yes there are, or were, Agreements with all Keepers initiated by Ferdinand Marcos, M1 and Master Holder prior to 20th December 1998 and Marcos's death in September 1989. However, those Agreements were violated by the United Nations and World Bank when they suddenly stopped paying the meagre monthly fee to the Keepers in 2007, so legally there are no Agreements in existence that can be legally enforced. So what is this guy, Ernest Rauthschild, and his handlers, talking about? However, this is typical of the Western cabal doing what they want, when they want, and how they want, irrespective of the law. 

Another point I noticed was the actual website that this article about Ernest Rauthschild first appeared. At the very top of the web page it states "Rauthschild, Chua and Associates Ltd". The name Chua was one long associated with Ferdinand Marcos, namely Maria Chua, long since deceased, who some proclaim she was the mistress of Ferdinand Marcos, but who actually worked with Ferdinand Marcos quietly in the background with the Global Debt Facility. However, that did not stop several people in the Philippines from purporting to be Maria Chua and attempting to make claim against the assets of the Global Debt Facility, which is not different to Imelda Marcos laying claim to assets of the Global Debt Facility under the auspices of being "The Marcos Wealth or Yamashita Treasure".

Below is a copy over of the last page of the Agreement duly executed by Angel Ferdinand Marcos and Ernest Rauthschild as proof of their joint relationship together in this enormous scam.

If you have in your family what are referred to as Historical Bonds, or large scale Federal Reserve Notes, sometimes in the billions of U.S. dollars, or if you have depositories of precious metals and other valuables referred to as Heritage Assets on your property, then this fake Rauthschild is attempting to get you to send them to him. This is pure Jerzy Babkowski / ZAP / Susan / dead Poof / China Landa Global-like skullduggery, only it's presented in a whole new package and this is part of the offensive now throwing all available bodies in in a desperate last ditch effort to steal the remaining gold that has been left unprotected from the banking and intelligence predators, before they can't get to it anymore.

Ernest Rauthschild is a Filipino who has lived in the United States and is a total fake with no power or authority whatsoever over the assets or accounts of the Global Debt Facility that are secreted away within the Philippines. All known Keepers, Guardians, Custodians have been advised to completely ignore this person and any statements he makes, as there are no settlements as he claims and there is no such establishment/organization as the Royal Imperial Sovereign International Court of Justice.

This whole scenario is a replica of the fake King of Kings in Indonesia who also claims power and authority over the assets and accounts of the Global Debt Facility.

There is another very important factor in all of this which actually was established in International Treaties prior to 1900, which is that the person who is appointed as the ITC, Legal Heir, Owner, Sole Arbiter, must always be a descendant of a contributor Royal Family to the Global Debt Facility. One of the reasons for this is that the Royal Families were the original beneficiaries of the Wealth of the World until it was designated by the Royal Families to be utilized for the benefit of the Nations and People of the World. Ferdinand Marcos was a descendant of the Chinese Qing Royal Family, Queen Elizabeth of the UK Royal Family, Dr. Ray C. Dam is a descendant of the Cambodian Royal Family, and the last ITC was a descendant of a European Royal Family.