Article written in December 2020 and approved by His Excellency.
Does China owe the U.S. more than $1 trillion in sovereign debt as claimed by some sources and reported by some mainstream media? Trump knows.
Jonna Bianco - President of the American Bondholders Foundation - is acting on behalf of unlawful bondholders who managed to get some historic bonds in the financial black market whereas those bonds can even be found on the Net where they are sold as collectibles for a few hundred dollars.
As for the 1911 Hukuang Railways bonds, they have no commercial value nowadays and it is actually unlawful and criminal to possess those bonds. They were stolen from depositories mainly in the Philippines in the past decades since Marcos's demise (1986).
These Hukuang Bonds are not the property of the United States, nor the US Treasury. The same is true for many historic bonds/certificates that every now and then reach the mainstream media, usually when some people are arrested while unlawfully holding them (FRN's, FRB's, Kennedy Bonds, Wells Fargo notes, etc.).
These 1911 Hukuang Railway Bonds are the legal property of the Global Debt Facility as the collateral against the gold loaned in the past to China and the Hukuang Railway Company from the Global Debt Facility.
Those banks in Paris, London, Berlin and NY were not the issuing banks, they were the under-writing banks of these bonds - issued THROUGH those banks, not BY those banks.
The same is true for other Chinese Railway Bonds (eg 1898,1905,etc.), 1912 Liberty Bonds, 1913 Reorganisation Gold Loan and many others.
People tend to forget history when it pleases them, but it is very important and an intricate part of the whole system, even today. To have taken possession of the gold and silver back in the late 1800's and early 1900's, and then try and reclaim the debt paid by claiming legal status/title of these bonds, is a criminal act.
Unfortunately, no one undertakes a thorough historic investigation these days. Everything is too frivolous and people only see one thing...Money to pay off their debt.
These bonds, along with millions of other bonds, issued in the late 1800's and early 1900's were taken over by the Global Debt Facility under the 1920/21 London Treaty (and 1929 amendments to the same Treaty) because no country would ever have sufficient funds to pay the debt. The countries involved, in fact all countries involved, had the gold, silver, etc from the Global Debt Facility to resolve their problems and develop their countries. Some used that gold and silver to finance wars etc and therefore wasted it, and now they are trying to reclaim the debt they owed. It is all nonsense and they know it believing that most people failed to recognise the 1920/21 London Treaty, even after they had taken the gold and silver.
All these historic certificates/bonds are non-redeemable, as per International Treaties (1934, Innsbruck 1964 plus its revision in The Hague 1968 and following decades).
The 1935 International Treaty effectively consolidated and expanded the applicable content of the 1920 Treaty so it included all Sovereign/Sovereign Guaranteed Bonds issued after 1913 and even after WW I, and the Great Depression of the late 1920's and early 1930's to conquer the fact that there was insufficient money in circulation to undertake the full restructuring and development of many countries rather than them creating massive debt and tying their people in the chains of debt for generations. It was in fact a cancellation of debt payable to the GDF, but it won't happen again because it was abused because the populous started, and have continued, to live outside of the world of reality.
By the way, even the FED was backed in 1913 by 75,000 MT of gold sent to the US by the Tzar of Russia. That gold belonged to the Collateral Accounts. P.S. that gold has disappeared and is no longer deposited in any US Government or FED depository.
I highly doubt Trump will ever do anything with those "Chinese" bonds as he knows the truth.
ITC - International Treasury Control - International Treasury Controller - Collateral Accounts - Global Debt Facility - M1 - Foundation Divine - Heritage International Trust - Royal Families - Classified - former OITC - Office of International Treasury Control - David Crayford - David Sale - Ray C. Dam